Home » The report says that the number of maternal deaths related to the new crown surged in the United States last year, and Europe is now at the peak of the epidemic in autumn and winter – yqqlm

The report says that the number of maternal deaths related to the new crown surged in the United States last year, and Europe is now at the peak of the epidemic in autumn and winter – yqqlm

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Source title: The report says that the number of maternal deaths related to the new crown in the United States surged last year, and Europe is now at the peak of the epidemic in autumn and winter

China News Agency, Beijing, October 22. Comprehensive news: According to the official website of the World Health Organization, as of 18:24 on October 21, Central European Time, there were 623,893,894 confirmed cases of the new crown worldwide, and 6,553,936 deaths.

Americas: U.S. sees surge in coronavirus-linked maternal deaths last year

According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 17:22 on the 21st Eastern Time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of the new crown in the United States exceeded 97.16 million, and the cumulative number of deaths exceeded 1.067 million.

A report released by the U.S. Government Accountability Office recently showed that the number of maternal deaths related to the new coronavirus in the United States in 2021 will surge, and the number of African American maternal deaths will increase particularly significantly.

According to the report, the United States reported 1,178 maternal deaths last year, a quarter of which were linked to COVID-19. Premature or low birth weight babies rose as a percentage of births last year, a percentage that has remained stable in previous years. In addition, more pregnant women reported depressive symptoms last year.

According to the Associated Press, the U.S. maternal mortality rate, or maternal deaths per 100,000 live births, in 2021 will be 68.9 for African-American women, 27.5 for Hispanic women and 26.1 for white women.

Europe: Many countries usher in the peak of the epidemic in autumn and winter and face the “double epidemic” of new crown and influenza

According to a joint statement issued by the European Union, the World Health Organization and the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention recently, the epidemic indicators in Europe have continued to rise recently, indicating that a new round of epidemics has begun. The combination of the new crown epidemic and seasonal influenza will lead to a higher risk of severe illness and death for vulnerable groups, which may further increase the pressure on hospitals and medical staff.

Statistics from the Robert Koch Institute, Germany’s federal disease control agency, show that as of 20:00 local time on the 21st, there were 92,293 new confirmed cases of the new crown in Germany within 24 hours. Since October, the number of confirmed cases and deaths of the new crown in Germany has increased significantly. German Health Minister Lauterbach said a few days ago that in view of the increasing number of new crown infections, Germany should resume the obligation to wear masks under the Infection Protection Act.

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According to data released by the French government, as of 20:00 local time on the 21st, there were 49,087 new confirmed cases of new crowns and 82 new deaths in France within 24 hours. The French government recently called on the public to “be vigilant”, requiring vulnerable people to wear masks and get vaccinated as soon as possible.

As of 20:00 local time on the 21st, there were 36,116 new confirmed cases of the new crown in Italy within 24 hours. Statistics released by the Italian Ministry of Health on the 19th local time show that since October, the average daily number of new confirmed cases of new crown in Italy has exceeded 31,000. The country has formulated an epidemic prevention and control plan, and if the number of infected people further increases in autumn and winter, a series of epidemic prevention measures will be gradually implemented.

The British Health Security Agency issued a communiqué a few days ago, saying that there are strong signs that the British people may face the dual risk of influenza and new crowns this winter, and called for timely vaccination of both vaccines.

Asia: Japan’s epidemic is rebounding

According to Japan’s NHK TV report on the 21st local time, there were 31,593 new confirmed cases of new crowns in Japan in a single day, and 67 new deaths. The cumulative number of confirmed cases exceeded 21.926 million, and the cumulative number of deaths exceeded 46,000.

Statistics from Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare show that in the week ending on the 19th local time, the number of new confirmed cases of the new crown in Japan was 1.35 times that of the previous week. Except for Okinawa, the other 46 prefectures showed an increasing trend.

Japan’s “Asahi Shimbun” quoted experts’ analysis as saying that “the risk of the eighth wave of the new crown epidemic is very high” by the end of the year. Kyodo News reported that some experts believe that Japan is already in the eighth wave of new crown infections, and relevant indicators are likely to increase from the end of October. (Finish)

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