Home » Ivrea, everyone is a book, the city told through 22 stories

Ivrea, everyone is a book, the city told through 22 stories

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Ivrea, everyone is a book, the city told through 22 stories

the show

Cities are a set of many things: of memory, of desires, of signs of a language; cities are places of exchange, as all economic history books explain, but these exchanges are not only exchanges of goods, they are exchanges of words, desires, memories. Italo Calvino supported this in his Invisible Cities, starting from whose paradigm Gian Luca Favetto, writer, journalist and playwright, wearing the clothes of Marco Polo of Calvinian memory, met the Ivrea people and their respective stories which he summarized and returned, creating a sort of Biographical Encyclopedia of the city. Twenty-two people, like Letter 22 and 2022 (the Olivetti typewriter par excellence and the year of recognition of Ivrea as the Italian book capital), but also 22 stories that make whoever tells them as many living volumes, united to compose a universal library of emotions and feelings. Mario Benni, lawyer, on stage, with his story. (video by Barbara Torra)


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