Home » Lo Spezia goes: Strelec, Bastoni and Maldini drop the trio at Servette and Gotti smiles

Lo Spezia goes: Strelec, Bastoni and Maldini drop the trio at Servette and Gotti smiles

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Lo Spezia goes: Strelec, Bastoni and Maldini drop the trio at Servette and Gotti smiles

Good test for the Ligurians against Servette.

Spezia continues its work in view of the resumption of the championship comforted by the results. After the 7-1 against Sampdoria Primavera, it comes 3-0 at Servette. A victory gained thanks to goals from Strelec in the first half and from Bastoni and Maldini in the second half.


Quite convincing performance, those of the Ligurians who broke the deadlock after 40′ of absolute control of the match with a goal from Strelec. The Slovakian striker was ready for the appointment with the tap-in on Sala’s conclusion. Bastoni doubles from a penalty kick in the 54th minute. He closes Daniel Maldini in the 77th minute who takes advantage of a ball served to him by Sanca to place it under the crossbar. 3-0 which bequeathed various indications to coach Gotti’s team, which draws a very first assessment of the retreat in Spain. His words are taken from the official channels of the club.


The technician is satisfied but also points out some mistakes. “We have to prepare for the championship with a championship mentality. I’ve seen a few mistakes alternating with various positive aspects, but the important thing is that the team responds to requests. We came to Spain with the idea of ​​playing and putting time in our legs to to rotate all the men and regain their condition helped by a mild climate. This is only the first match of a cycle that includes three matches where we will also see the others on the field. Kiwor is still not there, neither Nzola and Nzola were on the field Bear in mind that they’ll soon rejoin the group. Now we’ll try to put as many minutes into the legs as possible. We’ve agreed to play four thirty-minute halves against Sparta Rotterdam precisely to guarantee at least sixty minutes of play.”

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Gasoline in the legs and tactical work, the menu of the Spanish retreat. A stop that represents, in some ways, a leap in the dark. Gotti is serene. “We have to recover everything that usually worked well for us, working on our defects and limitations with the awareness that after the break there will be no more time to try because we have twenty-three straight games ahead of us in the league. From a physical point of view, we are in line with the physical standards that we want, while in Spain we deal more with the football aspect. We are here to work in order to concede far fewer goals and not having conceded today is part of the idea of ​​the improvement plan. We have to be ready for January.”

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