Home » Maneuver, agreement on minimum pensions of 600 euros for the over 75s. Income is assessed for seven months

Maneuver, agreement on minimum pensions of 600 euros for the over 75s. Income is assessed for seven months

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Maneuver, agreement on minimum pensions of 600 euros for the over 75s. Income is assessed for seven months

According to government sources, the majority political agreement on the increase to 600 euros of the minimum pensions for the over 75s is closed. The change to the maneuver on the pension front will be introduced through an amendment by the executive, via of definition. The extension to 31 December 2022 of the Cilas for the 110% superbonus will be among the amendments to the maneuver that will be presented by the speakers, as well as the ‘sport-saving’ measure which allows sports clubs to settle tax payments with an increase in 60 installments by 3%.

It still evaluates Income only for 7 months, free 200 million

On the other hand, the further tightening of the Citizenship Income maneuver is still being evaluated by the government and the majority, with the reduction from eight to seven months of subsidy in 2023. This is learned from executive sources, according to which this solution it would free up resources of around 200 million euros.

The timing of the amendments

There is a delay with respect to the timetable for the government’s amendments to the manoeuvre. The government should present a part of it in the evening and the more substantial part tomorrow morning: this is the outline that emerges, as we learn on the sidelines of the work of the Budget commission of the Chamber, where the examination of the provision is underway. A presidency office should be held shortly, which will also be attended by the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Luca Ciriani, in which the timing of the continuation of the works will be outlined. According to what is learned, the intention of the government is to verify the possibility of agreement with the opposition on some amendments

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68 correctives proposed by various ministries

While waiting for the government to formalize its proposals to modify the maneuver and those of the rapporteurs in Parliament, the technicians of Palazzo Chigi and the MEF are also working on 68 corrective measures proposed by the various ministries. They range from the expansion contract, with the expansion of the companies that can access it and the further reduction of exodus costs, to the extension of the guarantee on mortgages for tourism companies in crisis, up to the reformulation of one of the amendments presented on football by Claudio Lotito in the Senate at Dl Aiuti quater, fired on Friday 16 December by the Budget commission of Palazzo Madama.

In particular, the amendment by Lazio’s number one and Italian senator aims to counter digital piracy with particular regard to live sporting events, it provides that the Agcom regulation on copyright infringement on electronic communication networks must be integrated, even with the precautionary block, in the 30 minutes following the relative communication, of the IP addresses and domain names of the websites through which protected contents are unlawfully disseminated.

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