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Jiaxing delegation discusses provincial government work report

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Accelerate the construction of an important central city in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration and strive to write a new chapter in Jiaxing, a Chinese-style modernization

Jiaxing delegation discusses provincial government work report

Release date: 2023-01-13 09:11

Source of information: Jiaxing Daily


Yesterday afternoon, the Jiaxing delegation, which participated in the first meeting of the 14th Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress in Hangzhou, held a plenary meeting to review the provincial government work report and plans and budget reports. Wang Gang, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department, Zhao Guangjun, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, Chen Wei, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Gao Linghui, Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, participated in the deliberation as representatives. Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Li Jun attended the meeting.

Wang Gang pointed out that the work report of the provincial government is people-oriented, seek truth from facts, innovate and do hard work, the achievements are solid and confident, the success of the future is obvious, and the innovative approach is clear, which reflects the provincial government’s feelings and responsibilities for the people, and fully supports and agrees . Wang Gang fully affirmed Jiaxing’s achievements in economic and social development in recent years. He said that Jiaxing anchored the new goal and new positioning of “an important central city in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration”, made new steps in steady progress and quality improvement, made new breakthroughs in reform and opening up, opened up new prospects for common prosperity, and achieved new results in publicizing ideological and cultural work. In the drumbeat of the new era and the new time node, it shows the spirit of giving up who I am and standing bravely at the forefront.

Wang Gang emphasized that 2023 is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the “August 8th Strategy”. It is very important to do a good job in all tasks. It is hoped that Jiaxing will continue to improve its structure, identify its positioning, enlarge its advantages, take the initiative to shape more transformative practices, breakthrough progress, and iconic achievements, and add luster to the “important window” of the province with the new and brilliant achievements of the region. Greater efforts will be made to build consensus and strengthen confidence, grasp reform, seek innovation, expand opening up, and promote integration. To do a good job in publicity and cultural work, we must set an example in inheriting the spirit of the Red Boat and guarding the roots of the red boat, make achievements in building a strong major platform and amplifying the volume of Jiaxing, and take the lead in promoting the prosperity of global culture and polishing the cultural identity , to create a brand on cultivating the new trend of the times and promoting the all-round development of people.

Zhao Guangjun pointed out that the work report of the provincial government fully embodies our province’s clear attitude of firmly advocating the “two establishments” and resolutely achieving the “two maintenances”. It is a good report that is politically firm, realistic and pragmatic, and inspiring. The next five years will be a critical period for our province to strive to advance common prosperity and provincial modernization. It is hoped that Jiaxing will take the initiative to play a positive role, continue to play the “Shanghai” card well, adhere to the coordinated development of urban and rural areas, fully tap historical and cultural resources, and stimulate market vitality, strengthen technological innovation, optimize the business environment, and promote high-quality integration of the Yangtze River Delta. Development and high-level opening up to the outside world will lead the way, be a model, take the lead and demonstrate in the new journey of advancing Chinese-style modernization, and accelerate the Jiaxing path of high-quality development and construction of a common prosperity demonstration zone, with Jiaxing’s “stability” and “progress” Make new and greater contributions to the overall situation of the province.

Chen Wei said that the summary results of the provincial government work report are systematic and comprehensive, the analysis of the situation is dialectical and objective, the goal requires aggressiveness, the thinking and measures are clear and pragmatic, and the people’s livelihood is full of affection, which makes us encouraged, sober, excited and motivated It is a good report that holds high the banner, has a clear theme, is rich in connotation, and inspires people to forge ahead. Jiaxing will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the provincial two sessions, faithfully implement the “eight-eighth strategy”, consciously benchmark the “two first”, and resolutely carry out the new positioning and new mission of “building an important central city in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration” entrusted by the provincial party committee. Adhere to what can be done quickly, the project is king, focus on entities, optimize services, give priority to people’s livelihood, and lead the party building, highlight the construction of a strong city with high-level transportation, accelerate the construction of a “highway, railway, water and air” combined transport hub, and promote the “manufacturing city” to ” “Smart, innovative and strong city” leaps forward, strives to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Jiaxing, and strives to make more contributions to the overall situation of the province.

Li Jun said that the provincial government’s work report adheres to political leadership throughout, demonstrating a high degree of self-consciousness in firmly defending the “two establishments” and resolutely achieving the “two maintenances”; the scientific planning of the development blueprint demonstrates the practice of the “eight-eight strategy” , forging ahead with the responsibility of “two firsts”; profoundly interpreting the feelings of serving the people, embodying the value concept of taking the benefit of the people as the most important political achievement; job pursuits. In the next step, we will earnestly study and comprehend, comprehensively digest and absorb, and implement benchmarking. We will use greater efforts to promote economic stability and quality improvement, take more concrete measures to promote high-quality development, and build important central cities in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration at a faster pace. Create a model city of common prosperity with high standards, and a stronger atmosphere stimulates the entrepreneurial vitality of officers.

Other representatives also put forward opinions and suggestions on the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, digital reform, construction of a strong transportation province, carbon peak carbon neutrality, and vocational education development.

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