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shocking consequences for the brain

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shocking consequences for the brain

Good to know about proper nutrition: fatty foods, because you mustn’t overdo it, can have serious consequences for the brain.

When it comes to diet we all know that we need to pay close attention to the food we consume on a daily basis, because it will have repercussions on ours salute. Doctors and nutritionists repeat it to us to exhaustion: it is necessary eat in moderation e limit fatty foods e rich in salt and sugars. Sometimes it’s really hard to follow these rules consistently. Bad habits, gluttony and laziness tend to get the better of us.

Fatty foods, why you shouldn’t overdo it: shocking consequences for the brain (Nerdyland.it)

However, when we come to know the consequenceseven very serious, that an incorrect diet can have on our health, including cardiovascular diseases, tumors and chronic diseases such as diabetes, then perhaps we are more careful.

Recently, one scientific research highlighted how i foods high in fat can harm us, with very serious consequences for our brain. Here’s everything you need to know.

Fatty foods, because you mustn’t overdo it, consequences for the brain

Not only excess weight, obesity, chronic diseases, cardiovascular disorders, heart health risks and cancers, theovereatingespecially if rich in fatis likely to disable a fundamental function of our brain. With harmful consequences for our health. AND as if the brain was “turned off”in some of its functions, for theexcess of fat.

In the encefalic trunklocated at the base of the brain, are found the astrocitithese are star-shaped cells (hence the name) of our central nervous system that perform various functions, including that of regulate food, calorie and fat intake.

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I’m a natural food regulation system That communicates with our stomach. When we eat too much, especially heavy, fat-rich foods, astrocytes communicate the sense of fullness and satiety in the stomach. In this way, the subsequent food consumption is reduced.

The interference of fats

When they wear out fat food continuously and consistently over time, these tend to interfere with astrocyteswhich somehow become insensitive and they no longer perform their food regulation function.

A few days of unregulated diet are enough to alter this delicate mechanism. Already alone after 10 or 14 days of consuming foods high in fat and calories, the astrocytes stop reacting and the brain no longer regulates the excessive food intake and calories. In this way, it stomach feels full later.

Basically, the more we eat foods rich in fat, the less our body will be able to control them, creating a kind of vicious circle which will lead us to eat more and more and badly.

fatty foods consequences brain
Fatty foods, why you shouldn’t overdo it: shocking consequences for the brain (Nerdyland.it)

Scientific research, reported by the science magazine Focuswas conducted by Kirsteen Browningprofessor of neuroscience of the Penn State College of Medicine of Pennsylvania. It must be said that the research was conducted on rats and that the outcomes could be different in humans. What scientists have discovered, however, should make us think. Finally, we also remind you of the possible causes of the poor digestion.

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