Home » Diabetes sufferers need to get rid of these habits: here’s what

Diabetes sufferers need to get rid of these habits: here’s what

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Diabetes sufferers need to get rid of these habits: here’s what

Maintaining constant blood sugar levels is essential for the proper functioning of the brain. In fact, the brain is not capable of storing energy like the rest of the body, so it relies on the action of two hormones that regulate blood sugar levels, both during meals and on an empty stomach: insulin and glucagon.

The former ensures that blood sugar is kept low following meals full of sugars, the latter, on the contrary, works to restore the correct glucose levels following fasting.

Diabetes sufferers need to get rid of these habits: here’s what

The ideal diet for diabetes is not complex or restrictive. Although having to provide a daily caloric intake equal to that of a non-diabetic person, obviously if there is overweight a low-calorie regime is suggested, in relation to the physical constitution, gender, age, height and work activity, it must have four objectives: glycemic control, achievement and maintenance of body weight, precaution and treatment of major cardiovascular risk factors, preservation of a state of not only physical but also mental well-being.

A particular commitment, say the experts, must be kept to the intake of carbohydrates, in an amount of no less than 130 and no higher than 300 g/day, which should rather come from foods full of complex carbohydrates and dietary fiber, such as legumes, vegetables, whole grains and fruit. Exercise, especially aerobic exercise, is a key part of your diabetes treatment plan and you should expect at least 30 minutes of walking a day for a total of three hours of movement a week. Regular physical activity, in fact, not only supports the body in fighting against stress, but also has significant beneficial effects on the metabolism.

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In fact, it improves insulin sensitivity, decreases the levels of triglycerides and bad cholesterol (Ldl) in favor of the good one (Hdl), supports blood pressure control and prevents cardiovascular disease. Finally, sports with a high risk of trauma, especially at the level of the head, are to be avoided in several patients.

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