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“I reacted to an attempted sexual assault”

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“I reacted to an attempted sexual assault”

COSENZA He would have reacted to a sexual assault. This is what emerged from the long interrogation to which Tiziana Mirabelli was subjected, the 47-year-old who confessed to the crime of Rocco Giuffrè, 76, today in Cosenza. The two were neighbors, in two apartments that shared the same landing. The woman, according to the story given to the carabinieri after she turned up in the barracks accompanied by her lawyer Cristian Cristiano, would have reacted in this way to an attempt at a sexual approach. She also told the carabinieri that she had killed Rocco Gioffrè at the height of a dispute on Valentine’s Day. She then hid the body in her home, in via Monte Grappa in Cosenza. After the attack by her neighbour, which would not be the first episode of its kind, she allegedly took a kitchen knife to defend herself and hit the victim several times. The murderer, who has a history of drug dealing, and a son, works in a social cooperative but occasionally also works as a caregiver. Tiziana Mirabelli is known in Cosenza because she is very involved in social issues, an activist in a movement committed to solving the housing crisis. In 2016 she stood as a candidate in the elections for the city council with the “Adesso Cosenza” list. Those who know her speak of a “passionate woman, raised in a disadvantaged condition but engaged in social work and always on the side of the weakest”. The murder, according to the woman’s story, which is being examined by the investigators, coordinated by the prosecutor Maria Luigia D’Andrea, took place in the woman’s home. The prosecutor ordered an autopsy on the man’s body.

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Victim’s daughter: We haven’t heard from Dad in days

For several days Rocco Giuffrè’s daughter, Giovanna, had had no news from her father. «Dad hadn’t been heard since Tuesday – retorted the woman to Tgr Calabria -. We were rightly concerned, we knew he was in San Fili. I tried to call San Fili but he wasn’t there. Then he took all the money in the safe and knowing that he has a sick son he would never have abandoned him. We came every day, from morning until 2 in the afternoon I stayed while my sister was there until the evening. My father was never alone, my mother died five months ago. The carabinieri didn’t want to tell me anything. I had come to see my sister and I received the news of her death.’

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