Home » Pinghu City Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau took multiple measures to play the leading role of party building

Pinghu City Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau took multiple measures to play the leading role of party building

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Pinghu City Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau took multiple measures to play the leading role of party building

Release date: 2023-02-20 10:42

Information source: Municipal Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau


The Pinghu City Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau has always focused on the main line of the Party’s 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, firmly grasped the core tasks of “focusing on the center, building a team, and serving the masses”. Governing the party requires giving full play to the political responsibility and due role of the agency’s party building in the forefront and setting an example, and comprehensively improve the work of comprehensive administrative law enforcement.

1. Adhere to the guidance of learning and forge a strong cadre team

(1) Learn and understand the party’s political theory thoroughly. Adhere to the primary political task of studying and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, follow up and learn the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s latest important speech in a timely manner, and focus on learning “Xi Jinping in Zhejiang” and other bibliographies. Persist in applying what you have learned, and strive to transform theoretical learning results into practical results in solving problems and promoting work. Conscientiously implement the “first issue” system, make good use of urban management lecture halls, party members’ rotation training, theoretical center group learning and other carriers, lead the overall party members and cadres to work together with one heart and one mind, learn deeply and implement new ideas, and continuously improve political judgment and political comprehension Power, political execution.

(2) Enrich the theme education of party members through multiple channels. Consolidate and deepen the achievements of ideological and political study and education, integrate them into daily life and grasp them regularly, continuously push forward the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and carefully organize and effectively promote the “seven one” activities , to ensure that the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is deepened and solid; carry out the party day activities with the theme of “six studies, six advances and six strivings”, organize all party members to visit red education bases such as the monument to the battle of the New Fourth Army in Haiyan, and review the oath of joining the party. Recalling the glorious years of red, expressing patriotism together, and gathering the passion of officers; organizing retired party members to take the “big” road again, and resolutely guarding the “red roots”. Through concentrated study, counseling reports, seminars and exchanges, etc., guide party members and cadres to study deeply and grasp the essence, continuously strengthen political awareness, overall awareness, core awareness, and alignment awareness, and consciously communicate with Comrade Xi Jinping in terms of political thinking and actions. The Party Central Committee as the core maintains a high degree of unity.

2. Strengthen the construction of work style and give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a battle fortress

(1) Strictly grasp the education and management of party members. Focus on strengthening party spirit and improving quality, strengthen and improve the education management of party members, scientifically formulate annual party member development plans, do a good job in the education and training of party members, and ensure the quality of newly recruited party members. Strictly use and manage party fees, do a good job in the transfer of party members’ organizational relations, and do a good job in disposing of unqualified party members. Improve the incentive, care, and assistance mechanisms within the party to help party members with difficulties in life solve practical problems.

(2) Concentrate on special topic study and discussion. Adhere to the combination of individual self-study and concentrated study, formulate study plans, and clarify study requirements. The first is to improve the study and discussion system. Formulate and implement three basic systems, namely the political theory study system, the regular meeting system for ideological and political work, and the ideological status analysis report system, and conscientiously implement the “three meetings and one lesson” system. Party members must arrange their time reasonably and actively carry out self-study. study. The second is to broaden the carrier of learning and discussion. Make full use of learning carriers such as the party class of the leaders in charge, the party class of the squadron leaders, the party class of the branch secretary, and the study and education of party style and clean government to strengthen special learning. Using the “Urban Management Lecture Hall” as a platform, Shen Minqiang, Chief of the Administrative Section of the Party School of the Municipal Party Committee, was invited to give a special lecture on the spirit of the 15th Provincial Party Congress; While strengthening “offline” learning, make full use of new media to strengthen “online” learning, and push learning content in a timely manner through youth cadre forums, learning power, and branch WeChat groups. The third is to clarify the focus of study and discussion. Regular ideological and political work meetings are held regularly, and each time a special topic is identified for discussion. Each party member must follow the new requirements of the construction of demonstration sites, closely connect with the reality of personal thinking, work and life, and carry out study and discussion around the “five whether” in the face of new tasks and new tests.

(3) Strengthen and standardize political life within the party. Conscientiously implement the “Several Guidelines on Political Life within the Party under the New Situation”, strictly implement the various systems of political life within the party, conscientiously implement the system of democratic life meetings, the system of heart-to-heart talks, and the system of democratic evaluation of party members, making it a position for political cultivation and thinking A platform for communication and a melting pot for exercising party spirit. Conscientiously implement democratic centralism, persist in using the weapons of criticism and self-criticism, earnestly enhance the principled and combativeness of inner-party life, and encourage all party branches and party members to rely on their own strength to discover problems, correct mistakes, improve and improve, and always maintain their advanced nature.

3. Strong service in the deduction center to improve the happiness index of the masses

(1) Deepen the three-entry service. Focusing on the urgent and difficult matters of the masses, the actual needs of villages and communities, and the work of the entire city center, promote grid-connected and group services, guide party members and cadres of government agencies to take the initiative to come to rescue, achieve policy menu-based precise push, difficult group-style fine services, and work hard with heart and soul Serve the grassroots, serve the masses, and serve enterprises, deeply cultivate the service brand of the agency, do a good job of consolidating and improving, increase publicity, and improve service levels and brand effects. Organize and lead party members and cadres of agencies to actively participate in work such as risk elimination and security, epidemic prevention and control, rural revitalization, civilization creation, and garbage classification, and play an exemplary role. In paired villages and communities, the “Zheli Grid Linking Heart” visit was carried out. 94 party members and cadres visited more than 470 households. Solve the problem immediately, and communicate with the village and community in a timely manner for special problems. Continue to deepen the “Thousands of Cadres Helping Thousands of Households” assistance campaign and “Thousands of Cadres Helping Thousands of Enterprises” precise service, deepen pairing with people and enterprises in need, and “send warmth to enhance happiness, send policies to enhance sense of belonging, and send services to enhance sense of responsibility “.

(2) Focus on caring, caring, warming the heart and gathering strength. Strengthen care and care for party members and cadres, make good use of care funds within the party, and deepen and refine the care and assistance mechanism. Do a good job in visits and condolences. During the Spring Festival, July 1st and other nodes, visit and condolences to party members and masses in difficulties, and enhance the cohesion, attractiveness and combat effectiveness of party organizations in institutions. Carry out a series of mental health services to improve the psychological self-adjustment ability of party members, cadres and employees.

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