Home » Capuano relaunches the Cavese project: “Immediately a team to win” – Sport

Capuano relaunches the Cavese project: “Immediately a team to win” – Sport

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After relegation, you have to absorb the disappointment and start again. There are those who argue that in order to create the conditions for returning to Serie C, Cavese would first need to plan for the long term and there are those who believe that the club should aim for the top as quickly as possible. Ezio Capuano also belongs to this last current of thought, a coach who in Cava de ‘Tirreni won a championship relying on a tenacious club and a group made up of important players. This year the Metellian supporters have fallen into despair a bit, but they can’t last long. «When you are relegated there are always mistakes, it doesn’t even seem to me that Cavese had spent little, and a good team had been made in January – says Capuano -. I understand that when you are relegated it’s like when something dear dies to you, especially for the fans. In order to get back up, Cavese should try to re-enter professional football immediately, and will certainly try to equip a very important team ».

How much has the Covid component affected? Campilongo had not been able to make use of the full staff for weeks, his second Vanacore had also failed …

The last championship was disastrous for Covid, like the previous one. Cavese were unlucky in a particular way: there was a period in which they lost many players and the death of Vanacore was a huge regret. I informed myself daily about the conditions of Vanacore, who had been my player but also a great man. All these situations affected Cavese.

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Orlando Savarese


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