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What happens to people who eat watermelon with diabetes? Here are the consequences

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What happens to people who eat watermelon with diabetes?  Here are the consequences

Today we will see if watermelon, a well-known summer fruit with a refreshing flavour, is also good for those suffering from diabetes. Let’s start by saying whether or not fruit is indicated for people with diabetes, it’s a question that medicine has been wondering about for decades. Today, all we know is that it comes from the fruit, its composition and the amount of sugar it includes. Among the products of our land most suitable for those suffering from this disease we enumerate: peaches, apples, tangerines, pears, strawberries, kiwis, oranges, grapefruits and, of course, our much loved watermelon.

What happens to people who eat watermelon with diabetes? Here are the consequences

Obviously we are talking about fruit taken in fiber as opposed to in juice, as the latter exhibits a greater concentration of sugary elements. Let’s start with the fact that 100 g of watermelon includes, on average, 91/92 g of water, a measly 0.15 g of fat and 6.2 g of sugar; a rather low measure that places watermelon as one of the most recommended products for those suffering from diabetes. If eaten without exaggerating, of course.

A hearty, refreshing and tasty slice of watermelon provides a wealth of nutrients, including potassium and vitamins A and C. The fruit has minimal impact on blood sugar levels, making it a suitable snack or dessert as well people with diabetes or insulin resistance. Elevated blood sugar levels can cause a variety of medical problems, including diabetes and heart disease. In this sense, nutrition experts suggest introducing the right foods into your controlled diet to prevent blood sugar spikes and thus reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

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Thanks to its high content of water and mineral salts, this fruit is quite useful for combating summer fatigue, but for diabetics there are other substances to focus on: citrulline, for example, can help us prevent arterial hypertension which can occur with the succession of the disease and helps to fight free radicals. Finally, watermelon fights free radicals and its laxative function helps the disposal of fat.

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