Home » Confirmed in the Official Gazette increase in urban fares throughout the country

Confirmed in the Official Gazette increase in urban fares throughout the country

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Confirmed in the Official Gazette increase in urban fares throughout the country

The increase in the passage at the national level appeared in the Official Gazette 42,583 dated March 7, 2023.

The Ministry for the Transportation through the Official Gazette 42,583 published dated March 7, 2023, the increase of passage urban and suburban throughout the country, where Monagas is no exception.

According to the stipulation, the increase in the urban fare will be Bs 6 for short routes and Bs 7 for the long ones While, suburban routes will be charged from Bs 10.

official gazette ticket increase

Likewise, the Ministry for Transportation encourages mayors across the countrycarrier unions and other authorities, to enforce and maintain urban rates.

It can be read, “Official Exhort by which the Mayors at the national level are exhorted, who have the competence in terms of urban transport rates, as established in numeral 2 of Article 178 of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela , to the unions of transporters and the competent authorities to respect and maintain as rates in their areas of competence, for Private Transport that provides a public service, on all routes including those that due to their characteristics are trunk or peripheral, the amount The minimum urban fare will be: Six Bolívares (Bs. 6.00) and the maximum urban fare will be: Seven Bolívares (Bs. 7.00).”

It is worth noting that in the case of Maturín, since December this increase was already being collected on account of the usual bonus for the Christmas season that ended up staying that way.

In the same way, after 6 in the afternoon, for all routes and something that is not defined in the vast majority, they charge a surcharge for being at night.

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It is expected that the transport authorities in the city define this situation, as was the exhortation of the Ministry that is already in the Official Gazette.

official gazette ticket increase

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