Home » Who would have thought that this mineral protects the heart and strengthens the bones

Who would have thought that this mineral protects the heart and strengthens the bones

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Our health depends on several apparently independent factors. From nutrition to physical activity, from the intake of vitamins and minerals to mental well-being, being well requires care and attention towards oneself.

Although it seems very simple, often (and unfortunately) we do not guarantee our body what it needs. Sometimes we underestimate the importance of a correct lifestyle, thinking that the “mistake” will not affect our health. If this is partly true, on the other hand it is right to know what is good for us and what is doing us a little less. This is why it is important to know the needs of our body for an all-round well-being.

In a previous article (link here), we talked about the vitamin B contained in radishes, which induces sleep and relaxes the mind. Today, we of the editorial team will talk about another fundamental element for our body, let’s see which one.

Who would have thought that this mineral protects the heart and strengthens the bones

We are talking about the copper, mineral present in all organic tissues and extremely important for numerous vital functions. Rich in C vitamin, contrasts anemia e exhaustion, But that is not all. According to experts, in fact, copper participates in the bone production e protects the heart thanks to its action antioxidant.

This mineral, defined by many as “red gold” for its color, is found in various foods, first of all anacardi. Others are the Whole grains, the meat and especially the liver, i legumes e i seafood.

Who would have thought that this mineral protects the heart and strengthens the bones, but watch out for some details. It is rare that an excess of copper has contraindications, but the fact remains that it can happen. In these cases, the most frequent symptoms are nausea and fever, so be careful not to overdo it with foods that contain high quantities.

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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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