Home » All the stars follow the ketogenic diet because it works, but the risks are tremendous

All the stars follow the ketogenic diet because it works, but the risks are tremendous

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All the stars follow the ketogenic diet because it works, but the risks are tremendous

It’s the diet of the moment and many VIPs have promoted it: ketogenic seems to really work, but is it worth it? All risks.

The they say, like many other things, are subject to changes in fashion and current trends. Every now and then a new miraculous diet appears that promises crazy results in a short time, with little effort, without giving up sweets, without lifting a finger and other falsehoods from which it is good to learn to defend yourself. But in the middle of the jungle of buffaloes, every now and then, something useful and that really works appears, like the ketogenic diet.

Ketogenic diet, because it is dangerous: very few people imagine it (mammastyle.it)

All the VIPs and celebrities have talked about it and loudly promoted it, from the United States to Italy. In our country, the last spokesperson for this super-protein lifestyle was Naomi. In fact, the singer had a period of disappearance from the scene from which she re-emerged visibly thinner and fit and she had declared that it was the “keto” that helped her, together with cross fit. But before diving headlong into this diet, you should also know all the terrible risks it hides.

Ketogenic diet: why it’s so dangerous

The ketogenic is mainly based on protein and on grassi. It would seem a contradiction but the underlying principle is very simple: by eliminating carbohydrates and focusing on lipids, the body and metabolism will begin to burn those first, exploiting the body’s natural ability to attack fats and transform them into energy. In addition to working, the diet also includes many foods that would not be like in other diets avocado or salmonrich in positive fats.

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All the risks of a “keto” diet: what they are (Mammastyle.it)

Feeding mainly on fats and proteins, the body goes into “state of ketosis“, which is exactly the goal of the diet to burn fat. Not only does this promote weight loss but it also regulates blood glucose, blood sugar and ph blood levels. But already in the very principle of this diet there is one big problem that makes it dangerous and, in reality, not suitable for a healthy and balanced life.

Even in a slimming regimen and with a view to losing weight, one should never eliminate a whole range of foods from the diet. Carbohydrates are important, if dosed at the right point of course. Doing a diet that focuses only on one category for too long cannot be really healthy. It can be done for a short time, to get back in shape after an important event or to eliminate those extra pounds that weigh us down. But for true life change, it’s not the right diet.

There are many people who have accused very dangerous symptoms associated with this diet such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, loss of appetite and drowsiness, even in the short term. If it is followed for a long time, the consequences could be disastrous for the body and it is certainly not suitable for a complete lifestyle change that brings lasting results.

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