Home » Meloni to the CGIL, Schlein doesn’t like it. Pd wants Landini for itself. And in FdI…

Meloni to the CGIL, Schlein doesn’t like it. Pd wants Landini for itself. And in FdI…

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Meloni to the CGIL, Schlein doesn’t like it.  Pd wants Landini for itself.  And in FdI…

Giorgia Meloni, Maurizio Landini and Elly Schlein

Meloni at Landini’s CGIL congress. The unsaid behind the scenes of Affaritaliani.it

The (historic) appointment is for tomorrow, Friday 17 March. For the first time a right-wing Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloniwill be a guest at the congress of CGIL, a former trade union linked to the Italian Communist Party and leftist par excellence. Maurizio Landini has promised (but it will be difficult not to happen) that there will be no boos, but certainly not even applause. And even a minority party, linked above all to the Fiom, will leave the room so as not to listen to the premier’s speech.

But beyond the news of the event itself, behind the scenes in the Democratic party they explain that the new secretary Elly Schlein did not like the invitation to Meloni. The Dem leader is looking, as she has begun to do in the anti-fascist square of Firenze, to build a close relationship with the CGIL on the issues on which Schlein has decided to press the government (together with Giuseppe Conte’s 5 Stars). We saw it yesterday at question time, the number one of the Democratic Party moved the point to social issues, the fight against precariousness and essentially the defense of the poorest workers.

From there the proposal, rejected by Melonsof the statutory minimum wage. AND slime he’s trying to get the union on his side too, CGIL in the lead, which initially was not exactly very favorable to the proposal first launched by the 5 Stars (the fear is that of weakening union bargaining). Schlein now fears a sort of legitimization of the right-wing premier or at least a dialogue, even if it is difficult as seen with the threat of a strike on the tax delegation, between Meloni and Landini.

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