Home » The tax reform by Meloni: three personal income tax brackets and flat tax for everyone (in 5 years)

The tax reform by Meloni: three personal income tax brackets and flat tax for everyone (in 5 years)

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The tax reform by Meloni: three personal income tax brackets and flat tax for everyone (in 5 years)

A project to be completed in no time. And the tax reform ‘designed’ by Giorgia Meloniwhich saw the Council of Ministers convened at 16:30 on Thursday give the green light to the enabling law and the decree on the bridge over the Strait of Messina.

A tax delegation which in the intention of the executive “completely rewrites the current tax system launched in the 70s” and which will not have rapid gestation times: the various interventions will be detailed by the legislative decrees which must be issued within 24 months from the green light of the bill by Parliament, but the government will take it another two years to correct and integrate themtherefore practically for a definitive change we will have to wait for the end of the legislature, barring ‘complications’ for the Meloni majority.

The reform in 22 articles points in the direction of tax simplification and the reduction of the tax burden on taxpayers, at least in the intentions of the executive.

The cardinal principles concern the personal income taxwith the pass four to three tiers of income, and the flat tax for everyone to be achieved within the next five years. “With the Irpef reform – explains the Mef, the Ministry of Economy – horizontal equity is guaranteed, through the reduction of the tax burden, going from 4 to 3 rates and with the aim of a flat tax for all”, i.e. a a single tax which should replace the current echelon mechanism.

They would be in the studio more options: one provides for the unification of the central rates at 27%, maintaining that of 23% for incomes up to 15,000 euros, passing to the median one up to 50,000 euros, and rising to 43% for the highest income bracket. The second provides for the extension of the range to 23%, from 15 to 28 thousand euros, to then rise to 33% for incomes up to 50 thousand euros and maintain the rate of 43% for higher incomes.

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For the businessesInstead, it is envisageda reduction in the current Ires rate for those who invest and/or hire” it’s a “gradual elimination of IRAP. With the establishment of the two-year arrangement with creditors and the strengthening of collaborative compliance, the rules of the fight against tax evasion are rewritten, which becomes preventive and no longer repressive”.

Then there is the study tidying up and the cut of over 600 deductions foreseen in our system: in this way the funds will be found to finance the new income tax brackets.

A tax reform that counts on the support of businesses, in particular Confindustria, but also from the world of traders and up to professional associations. To oppose for now the oppositions and in particular the CGILwho has asked the government to withdraw the delegation “to start a confrontation on the merits” and who threatens a strike.

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