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I always miss the best

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I always miss the best

Thankfully, there’s always something to smile about during this tense time. When I recently found out that Women’s Day, which is now even a public holiday in the failed city of Berlin, actually comes from the GDR, a lot suddenly became clear to me.

Because apart from the banking crisis, almost everything that is current today has already set an example for us in the GDR, such as the energy crisis, state-controlled press, great reports about desolate situations, completely eroded state finances and, above all, the constant gossip about democracy by people who really don’t want to have anything to do with democracy.

Because such a democracy promotion law and a woman like Nancy Faeser would have really suited the GDR perfectly, except for her first name.

What a treasure it is that I have just found, namely a speech by Erich Honecker on Women’s Day in 1987, the beginning of which I would like to reproduce verbatim here because it so hilariously bridges the gap between yesterday and today.

However, I have somewhat reworded the institutions of the GDR that Honecker cites. And now please make your own judgment about the changes and continuities in the thinking of the German Left, that is, the political majority.

Women’s Day is one of the most beautiful days in our country, which is rich in work and joie de vivre. Basically, we are a community, a community of women and men who have both feet on the ground and are determined to help shape the world of tomorrow.

The Alliance of Women has shown what achievements women and girls of all classes and walks of life are capable of. It is a reflection of the democratic, committed participation of women in the day-to-day strengthening of our democratic republic and the preservation of peace. At the same time, it conveys new impulses to this broad creative participation.

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And with that we want to congratulate the Democratic Women’s League and its chairmen. If we can draw a positive balance of our work for the benefit of the people today, then the women have a special part in it.

91.3 percent of our women and girls of working age are employed, have solid professional training, learn or study and work in all areas of society.

This, combined with the activity of the men and the young generation, entitles us to state that our people are a hardworking, a talented people.”

The newsreader then adds: “Erich Honecker names the results for February, which are particularly important due to the extreme weather conditions. Increase in labor productivity compared to the previous year by 9.3 percent, 346 million marks more in energy production, that is an increase of 9 percent. 84,000 citizens live in better housing and net income increased by 3.5 percent. Erich Honecker thanked the women for that.”

And further: “Under the leadership of the socialist unity party, the life of the people is shaped in freedom, democracy and human dignity. The SED took this path together with the friendly parties.”

When I hear that, I just think how good that today’s left united front has at its head both someone who comes from international law and someone who has had to do with chickens, pigs and milking cows from home.

I therefore have good hopes that we will not shape our future worse than the GDR did back then.

Bernd Niquet

[email protected]

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