Home » U.S. to ban use of ‘commercial spyware’ in government

U.S. to ban use of ‘commercial spyware’ in government

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U.S. to ban use of ‘commercial spyware’ in government

[워싱턴= AP/뉴시스]US President Joe Biden speaks at a banquet celebrating Women’s History Month held in the East Room of the White House on the 22nd (local time). President Biden has expanded the number of countries to be invited to the second Democracy Summit to be held next week to 120 countries. The summit will be held via video on the 29th and 30th and will be co-hosted by Costa Rica, the Netherlands, Korea, and Zambia. 2023.03.23

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Choi Hyeon-ho = U.S. federal government departments and agencies are prohibited from using commercial spyware that threatens national security or can be used for human rights violations.

According to the White House on the 27th (local time), President Joe Biden signed an executive order containing these contents.

The White House explained that commercial spyware is used for activities such as remotely accessing other users’ devices and extracting information without their consent. Despite the high risk of such spyware, he added that it has increased rapidly in recent years.

The US government believes that the proliferation of commercial spyware poses counterintelligence and security risks to the United States, including the safety of government officials and their families. It also explained that U.S. officials living abroad were targeted by commercial spyware.

In particular, the White House also noted that more and more foreign governments around the world are using this technology to restrict freedom of expression and violate human rights of political opponents, journalists and civil activists.

The signing of this executive order comes ahead of the second summit on democracy to be held jointly with South Korea and the Netherlands on the 29th and 30th. The White House described the executive order as “showcasing U.S. leadership and commitment to advancing technology for democracy as well as countering the misuse of commercial spyware and other surveillance technologies.”

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