Home » At 17, Essime Maho has already published two books. Conference-Dedication at the modern high school of Cocody – Louis-César BANCÉ

At 17, Essime Maho has already published two books. Conference-Dedication at the modern high school of Cocody – Louis-César BANCÉ

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At 17, Essime Maho has already published two books.  Conference-Dedication at the modern high school of Cocody – Louis-César BANCÉ

When she was only 5 years old, Essime Maho was a little girl who devoured children’s books. At school, she ranked first in her class. At the age of 13, Essime published her first book, encouraged by her father who saw in her talent as a writer. In the same dynamic, she continues by publishing a second book. The two novels of which she is the author are entitled “Color of life” and “Sublime destiny”.

Photo : LCB

The young student, a gifted student, obtained her baccalaureate at the age of 16. A feat! It is therefore right that she was invited this Wednesday, March 29, 2023 to the modern high school of Cocody-Abidjan, to give a conference on her creations, in front of an audience made up of students and teachers. Essime Maho describes herself as a great observer of society, in her books, she denounces the suffering that vulnerable people can experience, such as the story of an orphan girl mistreated by her aunt in “Color of Life. »

Photo : Essime Maho

Photo : LCB

Essime Maho is a student in License 1 of Law, during the conference-dedication at the modern high school of Cocodya, she gave advice to students who want to follow in her footsteps:

 « Pour devenir écrivain, il faut apprendre à écrire avec très peu de fautes. Je donnais mes premiers écrits à mes amis de classe pour avoir leurs critiques. Ils m'ont fait remarquer que j'écrivais avec des coquilles. Cela m'a amenée à me perfectionner en faisant des recherches sur des astuces en orthographe et en grammaire. Pour devenir écrivain, il faut être un grand observateur, un grand lecteur. Ma première formation a été les livres des autres auteurs que je dévorais, particulièrement ceux de feu Isaie Biton Koulibaly que j'apprécie beaucoup.»
Photo: Mr. Batros, librarian at the Cocody Modern High School

The sponsor of the ceremony, Commander Jonas Doto Gon, congratulated the young author, saying that she is a model in her field, a symbol, just like Didier Drogba in the field of football! Speaking of model, he reminded the audience that this word is fortuitously not included in theAbidjanaisethe national anthem of the Ivory Coast, and that the duty of all the citizens of this country should be to work so as to become models for a hope promised to humanity.

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The Principal of the Lycée Moderne de Cocody, Madame Badji, closed the curtains of the Conference-Dedication by delivering a brilliant speech on the benefits of reading.

Louis-César BANCE

Photo : LCB

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