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serious 34-year-old lawyer

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serious 34-year-old lawyer

Ancona, March 30, 2023 – It was suddenly stabbedby his client. L’tutelary administratorand, court-appointed advocate for people in medical distress, was violently and repeatedly injured by theman who was helping to get out of a bad situation.

A fact that would surely have resulted in tragedy if it hadn’t been for a fortuitous event that all went in favor of the injured woman.

It happened yesterday afternoon on the outskirts of Filottrano, in the Cantalupo area. The man hadn’t been fully lucid lately. He has 60 years and it is a cancer patient with several problems. It is not known exactly how it went, the carabinieri are investigating everything. She was at her house where the lawyer had joined him, FM, 34 years old from Macerata but de facto domiciled in Filottrano, precisely when it has them inflicted several stab woundsespecially three in the back and two near the neck.

It seems he has achieved it on the landing of the house, on the third floor. She was lucky just because the medical taxi passed to take the man for radiotherapy to the hospital whose driver was able to rescue her immediately. There was blood everywhere, on the stairs of the house and also on the car parked outside. She was very shaken when she was rescued.

Is found in serious condition but not life threatening the young woman, who remained in the hospital under observation to assess the depth of the blows inflicted. He had fear of undergoing therapy and seems to have acted in a fit of fury.

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In a short time, the carabinieri from the Osimo command arrived. The man was also hospitalized, he was having difficulty breathing when the rescuers arrived. Both were transported to theJesi hospital. A very delicate situation managed by the carabinieri and the doctors who yesterday moved quickly but at the same time with great caution.

The situation has been evaluated with Psychiatry but probably the man will be arrested who also suffers from alcoholism. However, he was taken to the barracks by the military. An already delicate picture that will be carefully evaluated by the police. What happened in a flash reached several Filottrano residents who live nearby and noticed the deployment of forces between the carabinieri and the doctors who arrived with sirens blaring.

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