Home » Let’s find out which vitamins should not be missing for a strong immune system against infections

Let’s find out which vitamins should not be missing for a strong immune system against infections

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Eating healthy helps protect the immune system from toxins and infections. Our immune system is in fact closely linked to the intestinal microbiota.

For this reason, the efficiency of our immune system depends on the type of food we eat. So, let’s find out which vitamins should not be missing for a strong immune system against infections.

First of all, vitamin C is essential. Our body is unable to produce it by itself, so it must be introduced through food. It serves to prevent infections or reduce their extent, if already in place. However, since it is lost with cooking at high temperatures, it is advisable to cook steamed vegetables.

The foods richest in vitamin C are citrus fruits but also kiwis, strawberries, peppers, parsley. Then, again, broccoli, rocket, cabbage, lettuce, cauliflower, broccoli and spinach.

Let’s find out which vitamins and minerals must not be missing for a strong immune system against infections

Then we have vitamin E which with its antioxidant properties is able to strengthen the immune system. It is present in vegetable oils, nuts and green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin A, excellent against infections, because it maintains the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes, should be indicated below. It is found in the following foods: cod liver oil, animal liver, egg yolk, salmon and fresh tuna. Then also in yellow-orange fruit and vegetables, in milk and its derivatives.

Another important vitamin is D, representing one of the most powerful nutrients to support the immune system. It is contained in cod liver oil, as well as in fatty fish such as salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel, tuna. Then also in butter, fatty cheeses, eggs. The main source of it, however, comes from exposure to the sun.

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The list also includes vitamin B9 (or folic acid) which prevents cardiovascular risks, also contributing to the health of the immune system. Furthermore, it is essential for the synthesis of proteins and DNA as well as for the formation of hemoglobin. For this reason it is recommended for pregnant women. We find it in liver, brewer’s yeast, bread and wholemeal pasta. And again in asparagus, broccoli, artichokes, spinach, fresh legumes, oranges, kiwis, strawberries.


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