Home » More than 900 cases were registered in Córdoba and extreme measures are taken

More than 900 cases were registered in Córdoba and extreme measures are taken

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More than 900 cases were registered in Córdoba and extreme measures are taken

As reported this last Wednesday by the Ministry of Health of Córdoba, during the last week 906 new cases of dengue were registered in the province. In this way, so far this season, There are already 1781 positive casesa scenario that forced the health portfolio to take extreme measures of prevention and recommendation to the population.

These figures, indicated from the provincial Ministry of Health, imply a jump of 105 percent compared to the last week of March. They added that of the total cases registered so far, 1730 were autochthonous and only 51 imported.

In communication with local media, the director of Epidemiology of the Mediterranean province, laura lopezspecified that, in just 12 weeks, the current wave of dengue surpassed the peak of the one that took place in 2020.

Regarding the distribution of cases, the newspaper La Voz reported, in the provincial capital, more than 150 neighborhoods registered isolated cases of autochthonous originwhile the four sanitary zones of the city remain with high circulation.

For its part, in the interior of the province, the Ministry of Health of Córdoba reported that at least 41 localities registered an autochthonous case of dengue. Among them, they pointed out, Río Cuarto, San Francisco, Jesús María, Villa Allende and Cruz del Eje are the ones with the highest concentration of cases.

dengue It is a viral disease transmitted by the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. which lives mostly in urban and suburban spaces, where it finds concentrations of population to feed and abundant containers with water that provide favorable places to reproduce.

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With information from Telam

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