Home » Tongxiang City Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau takes multiple measures to carry out foreign muck transportation management

Tongxiang City Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau takes multiple measures to carry out foreign muck transportation management

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Tongxiang City Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau takes multiple measures to carry out foreign muck transportation management

Release date: 2021-07-16 10:20
Source of information: Municipal Comprehensive Law Enforcement Bureau

In order to further strengthen the management of muck transport vehicles, standardize road traffic order, purify the road traffic environment, and prevent road traffic accidents, Tongxiang City Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau launched the “Nighthawk” operation, adopted a 24-hour duty mechanism, and strictly investigated the transportation of foreign muck. Vehicles, read the “tightening curse” for the illegal muck truck.

1. Strengthen dynamic supervision and standardize driving order. Combining the characteristics of the jurisdiction and the experience in the investigation and handling of foreign muck vehicles, adopt a service mode that combines “must pass road inspections, fixed-point card setting and mobile rectification” to strengthen road management and control. According to the operation time and route of muck trucks and engineering transport vehicles, scientific Arrange law enforcement forces, implement flexible and wrong-time work systems, and strictly implement the 24-hour duty mechanism to strengthen the establishment of chucking checks in areas prone to occurrences such as Zhoudian Highway, G60 Exit, Tongjiu Line, Wuzhen Avenue, and Yingbin Avenue. Clarify the key points of management and control, strengthen the unsealed transportation of muck trucks and construction trucks, and deal with illegal activities such as dumping and omissions. At present, more than 50 muck transportation vehicles have been inspected.

2. Strengthen source supervision and enhance the safety factor. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the management of the disposal of external slag, we should effectively strengthen the linkage and cooperation with the traffic police, public security, environmental protection and other departments, starting from the “source”, carry out joint cooperation with construction sites in the jurisdiction, check and trace the whereabouts of the slag, and check for any external slag Soil and whether there are past foreign muck engineering vehicles. Face-to-face publicity of construction waste transportation management laws and regulations, actively guide construction units to strengthen their sense of responsibility, urge vehicle drivers to consciously abide by various rules and regulations during transportation, strictly implement closed transportation management measures, and achieve standardized operation and civilized dumping. Up to now, a total of 3 joint inspections have been carried out and 21 construction sites have been visited.

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3. Strengthen law enforcement and crack down on illegal arrogance. Always adhere to the principle of “violating the law must be investigated, civilized law enforcement” and the main keynote of the “strict, heavy and quick” work to carry out related work. Violating vehicles that fail to apply for a transportation permit, fail to transport in accordance with the prescribed route and time, drip and throw away, and pile up construction waste indiscriminately, shall be punished in accordance with laws and regulations, and timely investigation and rectification shall be implemented. In the process of law enforcement and case handling, the whole process of image recording is realized, especially in the process of on-site forensics, multi-angle, full coverage recording, and relevant clues are locked in the first time. All law enforcement team members strictly abide by law enforcement procedures, refine law enforcement procedures, standardize law enforcement inspections, and investigate and collect evidence. Once violations are verified, they will be punished severely in accordance with relevant laws and regulations to severely crack down on the arrogance of offenders. At present, a total of 25 illegal muck transportation vehicles have been investigated and dealt with.

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