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This is how jogging beginners start successfully – even if they are overweight

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This is how jogging beginners start successfully – even if they are overweight

dr Ingo Froboese: This is how jogging beginners start successfully – even if they are overweight

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Thursday, 04/13/2023, 12:23 p.m

Sports expert Dr. Ingo Froboese shares exclusive tips for those who are new to jogging and offers advice for overweight runners. Here you will find information about the optimal running time, route and suitable training plan for a successful start.

How can you start jogging as a beginner with little fitness?

Pick up where you left off with physical activity that you enjoy, have enjoyed, and can do. Small goals, small steps are the best motivator to stick with it and above all you should be realistic with your resources, especially time. It’s never too late to start exercising, because at any age the body is happy when it’s needed. I just have to give him time to get used to his new sporting life. Just get started and have fun – that’s the way it should be!

Even our ancestors were persistent and covered many kilometers when chasing their prey. But while running is in our genes, many of us find it difficult to get into and stick with training. No wonder, since we spend most of the day sitting down! Running is one of the most natural forms of movement that we know and very simple at the same time. Unlike other sports, you can start here without a lot of equipment, almost right on your doorstep.

Die Golden Rule for a successful start in running is: Take it easy! And for important reasons. Because if you don’t overload yourself when you start running, you stay motivated and prevent pain and injuries. You can celebrate your first successes with this strategy after just a short time. So free yourself from the need to go through a longer unit immediately, you don’t have to. Especially at the beginning it is worth pursuing small milestones. I would therefore like to recommend interval training to you. That means you switch from slow jogging to walking and vice versa. Alternating between 3 minutes of stress and 4 minutes of rest is ideal to start with.

My motto for finding your own pace? “Run without panting”! This means that you should only go so fast that you don’t run out of breath. If you could still talk while jogging or walking, you have found your right running pace. After all, the training session should be challenging, but not exhausting. As a small dosage aid, I always like to mention the principle of subjective under-demanding. That means: If you feel like you can start running again tomorrow after training, you have done everything right.

Are there any special tips for overweight joggers?

If you are overweight, you should only increase it very slowly. If you are very overweight, I recommend starting with alternatives that are easy on the joints instead of running. Endurance sports such as Nordic walking or swimming are suitable for this, as they also train both the cardiovascular system and the muscles.

How long should a beginner jog?

In general, it is better to run shorter distances more often than to torment yourself with infrequent, longer units. Regular exercise allows the body to get used to the stress. You give your cardiovascular system and your muscles the opportunity to adapt.

What elements should a training plan for beginners include when jogging?

When looking for the right pace, you can also use your step frequency as a guide. Breathe in four steps and out four steps. This guarantees an even breathing rhythm. Free yourself from the need to go through a longer unit immediately, you don’t have to. Especially at the beginning it is worth pursuing small milestones. Interval training is recommended (see above)

After your run, return to your legs and stretch your calves and hamstrings. These had to work properly during your sports unit and want to be properly lengthened again after the load. Give yourself at least 20, better 30 seconds per muscle group and you will notice that your muscles will be much more relaxed afterwards.

About the expert

Ingo Froboese is a professor at the German Sport University in Cologne. He is primarily concerned with the topics of rehabilitation in sports and the prevention of injuries and illnesses. He was a guest lecturer at various German universities and has been advising the Bundestag as an expert on prevention and the Bundestag Sports Committee for twenty years. From his decades of research and experience, Ingo Froboese has developed the Froboese formula with the three key elements of exercise, nutrition and regeneration to pave the way for people to live a long, healthy and vital life.

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