Home » You will never imagine how many times a day the heart beats (we thought less)

You will never imagine how many times a day the heart beats (we thought less)

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You will never imagine how many times a day the heart beats (we thought less)

Heart Ramon!”, shouts Joe (Clint Eastwood) during the final battle against Ramon Rojo (Gian Maria Volontè). Also in the Far West fictionalized, it was known that the heart was a critical point to strike: it guarantees oxygen and nourishment to all the tissues of the human body, by pumping blood… But how many times does it beat a day?

It has been estimated that the control center of the circulatory system beats about 100,000 times a day, i.e. 70 beats per minute… While we’re at it, it might interest you to know that our heart beats about 36 million times a year!

The heart, to function constantly and regularly, needs oxygen and nutrients, just like in all organs. It is structured into four portions, or chambers: two atria and two ventricles. The former are the upper chambers, while the latter are the lower ones. All the activity of the organ is guaranteed by the contractions and releases of these pumps.

To perform these actions, the lower chambers are coordinated by a complex system of electrical impulses generate in the sinoatrial nodelocated in the right atrium.

In short, it’s worth it take care of our heart, with a healthy diet and regular exercise, given its importance for survival. Furthermore, it would be advisable to avoid any risk factors, such as smoking or an unregulated lifestyle.

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