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Rabona Mobile users without internet for days: what’s going on

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Rabona Mobile users without internet for days: what’s going on

Since last Wednesday, users of the virtual mobile operator Rabona – on the Vodafone network – cannot surf the internet. Furthermore, since mid-March, they cannot send text messages to other numbers. Rabona’s Facebook page is filled with thousands of comments from users, including corporate users who seek explanations, to which the Rabona Mobile company has limited itself to offering generic reassurances. Like “we are working to solve the problem”, without explaining the causes or suggesting a date for a solution.

The reports

In the meantime, the Codes association has taken action to collect reports and then initiate massive requests for reimbursement. According to sector rules, it would be 6 euros for each day of disservice. On Facebook, some users recall, with fear, what happened to Bip Mobile, which went bankrupt in 2014, leaving 200,000 users (completely) without service.

The debate on social media and on the web

We are not failing», however, the operator’s account wrote on social media, responding to these suspicions. «These are difficult weeks for Rabona Mobile customers who, to make matters worse, also have to deal with the lack of assistance from of the customer service of the telephone company», accuses Ivano Giacomelli, National Secretary of Codes. «The message published on social media by the company certainly cannot be sufficient, which, in our opinion, could and should have acted differently. For these reasons, we have taken steps to provide assistance to damaged consumers, in order to protect their rights”. “We apologize again for the inconvenience and we understand your difficulty”, reads the latest message from customer service, published yesterday on Facebook in response to a complaining user. «We assure you that we are working to resolve the problem as soon as possible. We are constantly working and we are responding to everyone both via email and by telephone to customer service. Given the many calls, a queue has arisen which sometimes causes the line to be busy, so you can also write to the email address [email protected]”. “You can’t find answers on social networks as the pages are not managed by customer support but from the marketing department and does not have the skills for this type of support. We still remember that our entire team is constantly working to solve the problem”.

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What does Rabona say?

The number is also busy for press contacts. We have sent an e-mail to the address dedicated to journalists and are awaiting a response. In the meantime, this story is an opportunity to reflect on the real pros and cons of relying on a niche operator. On the one hand, it is true that like all virtual operators, Rabona has cheaper rates than the average. And we tend to think that a virtual offers the same quality as the operator it relies on, since the network is the same. But there are non-explicit differences to be aware of. Speed ​​may be slower than a non-virtual operator; this factor depends on the agreements made with the network manager. Some tests – such as those of SosTariffe.it – seem to confirm the greater slowness of the virtual ones. It must also be considered that a virtual person does not include smartphones in contracts and may have less reliable or less continuous customer service. Finally, the unknown disservices. For a normal operator it would be unthinkable to leave all users without internet for days. An eventuality which, however, as we can see, is possible with a niche manager.

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