Home » Increased consumption of walnuts enhances the psychological maturity of adolescents

Increased consumption of walnuts enhances the psychological maturity of adolescents

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Increased consumption of walnuts enhances the psychological maturity of adolescents
Image: W.M.A

Hespress – dpaTuesday, April 25, 2023 – 10:57

A study conducted in Spain revealed that eating walnuts on a regular basis helps mental development and contributes to achieving psychological maturity for adolescents.

Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which play an important role in brain development, especially in the early stages of life.

“The adolescence period involves vital changes and hormonal shifts that stimulate the growth of the frontal lobe of the brain, which is the part responsible for human mental functions, and therefore if the neurons in that region get better,” said researcher Jordi Golvez, head of the study team from the Institute of Health Research in Barcelona. nutrients needed, they will stick together better.”

In the framework of the study published by the scientific journal “ClinicalMedicine”, the research team divided a group of 700 high school students across the Spanish city of Barcelona, ​​between the ages of 11 and 16 years, into two groups, provided that a group of them gets 30 grams of walnuts per day for a period of time. six months.

The researchers found that members of the group that ate walnuts for at least 100 days (not necessarily on a daily basis) increased their ability to focus, with a decrease in symptoms of hyperactivity syndrome for those suffering from this problem.

In statements to the website “Medical Express”, which specializes in medical research, Golfez confirmed that the group that did not get walnuts did not undergo any changes, of course, adding that this experiment proves that eating a healthy meal is important for achieving the mental and psychological development of adolescents.

Nutrition Nut Health
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