Home » Meloni to the unions: helping hand on work. Landini against the CDM of May 1, the premier: “You play the Concertone”

Meloni to the unions: helping hand on work. Landini against the CDM of May 1, the premier: “You play the Concertone”

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Meloni to the unions: helping hand on work.  Landini against the CDM of May 1, the premier: “You play the Concertone”

More than two hours of conclave at Palazzo Chigi between the government and the unions is still not enough for the thaw. But they open a first crack in the unity of the…

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More than two hours of conclave at Palazzo Chigi between the government and the unions is still not enough for the thaw. But they open a first crack in the unity of acronyms. Returning from the trip to London, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni finally addresses the main trade union organizations on the eve of a May 1 that promises sparks. And she at least partially succeeds in dividing the social parties at the table. You are impassive about the judgment on the economic reforms of Maurizio Landini’s CGIL and Pierpaolo Bombardieri’s UIL. On the other hand, the Cisl of Luigi Sbarra is opening, which speaks of “a useful meeting, with the government a new path of dialogue can be opened”. “Judgment is suspended pending seeing the texts,” explained the secretary of the white union as he left, who during the meeting expressed his satisfaction with the cut in the tax wedge included in the labor decree. This is one of the flagship measures that will land in the CDM convened this morning together with the reform that will eliminate the basic income.

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The summit

However, the skepticism of the social parties who enter Palazzo Chigi remains strong, having almost all expressed doubts and opposition on the government level as well as on the method, “you have summoned us after the fact”. Landini’s income cut is “mad” as he arrives at the top with warlike intentions and defines the CDM convened today, on Labor Day, as “an act of arrogance and offensive”. «Incomprehensible words», Meloni replies in the afternoon, «if you really think it is harmful to work on May 1st, then the triple concert should be organized on another day». And to rake the coals before the meeting in Chigi is added the League with a vitriolic note: «Everything the CGIL likes the Italians don’t like. Landini and Schlein, from factories to Vogue…». This is the climate and it matches the black clouds that gather on the capital’s sky. The tones become more conciliatory during the face to face even if the distances remain. Sitting together with Meloni were the undersecretaries Alfredo Mantovano and Giovanbattista Fazzolari, the Minister of Labor Marina Calderone and the Deputy League supporter Claudio Durigon. Landini enters escorted by the leaders of the other groups. Bombardieri crosses the door together with “Manuela, precarious for seven years”, registered and worker in Transport who will tell Meloni about “a humiliating life without certainties”. “For us, the fight against job insecurity is a priority,” the prime minister guarantees.
Also at the table were the leaders of Cisl and Ugl Luigi Sbarra and Paolo Capone. And from both there is no shortage of openings with the Cisl which asks for a “change of method” but appreciates the “warning signal” while the secretary of Ugl applauds the cut in the tax wedge. Meloni for his part extends an olive branch and spends soothing words towards the unions, “for the government, the meeting with the social partners is very important, even if this will not be exhaustive”. He also tries to bring down the curtain on the fuss over the May 1st CDM, “it’s not a lack of respect but a signal, I would have expected a” bravo! “”. We need “a serious and constructive dialogue on all the matters we will address”, says the premier. The most thorny issue is the RDC and here the leader of the government keeps the point: “We will continue with the reform to distinguish who is able to work and who is not,” she assures. The flagship measure of the Five Stars will therefore disappear from next year, when the inclusion check will take over for a total expenditure calculated at 5.4 billion euros in 2024. However, cutting the wedge is the workhorse claimed with the most conviction by Meloni “I think we’re all in agreement on this,” she says to the union leaders who seem to agree on this point. After all, the premier claims that “the government’s priority is to lighten the tax burden on labor costs”.

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The reassurances

In her speech, the prime minister outlines the other measures being examined by the government. Among these incentives “up to 60 percent of the salary” to employers who hire NEETs, young people without a job or training. Reductions, he assures Landini, are directed almost all towards “permanent employment”. In hand, the premier has the Istat data which captures half a point of GDP growth in the first quarter. Signs of confidence, she is convinced Meloni returned from a meeting in the City of London with bankers and managers from which she returned refreshed because she, she explains to the unions, “hedge funds have stopped betting against Italy”.
Hence the invitation to the social partners to work together also on the front of the Pnrr and the energy chapter Repower Eu. In short, to “get to the pole” to echo the warning of Sergio Mattarella who on Saturday launched an appeal against precariousness and for fair labor policies between Northern and Southern Italy. Meloni leaves the summit convinced that she has opened a crack in the union wall. But she too is aware that the shadow of a general strike has not been completely dispelled. Outside the building, Elly Schlein awaits her at the gate, “this is a decree for precariousness” thunders the leader of the Democratic Party, once again demonstrating a synchrony with the extremist part of the unions that no one takes lightly at Palazzo Chigi.

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