Home » Father of Orlando Liñán injured in robbery in Valledupar

Father of Orlando Liñán injured in robbery in Valledupar

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Father of Orlando Liñán injured in robbery in Valledupar

“God put his hand in,” the artist and presenter Orlando Liñán published in an Instagram story, showing the photo of his father Maximiliano Liñán, who was injured with a traumatic pistol in the attempted robbery in Valledupar.

The incident occurred in the Arizona neighborhood, north of the city, where Liñán received a shot that passed superficially through the abdomen. He was immediately taken to the Erasmo clinic where they gave him first aid. Liñán was evaluated, channeled and is out of danger.

Orlando Liñán arrived at the clinic to accompany his father and regretted the situation of insecurity in Valledupar. “My father was buying a lottery ticket, when he suddenly felt a person from behind who pulled a rosary at him and when he turned it around he shot him and fled the place.”

He explained that his father got into the vehicle by his own means and went to the Erasmo Clinic, where he received medical assistance. “It is unfortunate that Valledupar is besieged by crime, everyone who goes out on the street is at risk. Forceful actions are required by the public force to deal with crime, ”said the singer, who once again thanked God for protecting his father.

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