Home » Jimmy BX7 Pro buy cheap from 116€ (05/2023)

Jimmy BX7 Pro buy cheap from 116€ (05/2023)

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Jimmy BX7 Pro buy cheap from 116€ (05/2023)

Anyone who attaches great importance to hair, mite, bacteria and dust-free upholstery will certainly consider purchasing a suitable cleaning device for it. Jimmy has now brought out exactly the right model for this, which should unite all of this. For allergy sufferers, asthmatics or just for very clean people, this should be just the thing.

Top! You can get the small anti-mite vacuum on Geekbuying.com thanks Coupon for the price of 115,55 € with delivery out Deutschland.

Who has ever woken up with a mite bite? I don’t myself, but unfortunately my husband knows it all too well because he’s allergic to dust and dust mites. Therefore suitable for the allergy sufferers among us. The Jimmy BX 7 Pro you get it for a price 115,55€ on Geekbuying.com

Technical specifications

Performance 700W
volume 78 dB
dust chamber 0,5 l
Dimensions 33 x 24,5 x 41,2 cm / 2,7 kg
  • UV Sterilisiation
  • Ultrasonic
  • Heat up to 60°
  • detection sensor
  • LED-Display

Mites, what is that actually?

Just in case you haven’t heard of it, I’ll explain it to you in a nutshell. mites are a subclass of arachnids in the phylum Arthropods. With around 50,000 known species in 546 families, they are the most species-rich group of arachnids. In our house you will find them most often House dust mitewhich is widespread in Europe in general.

JIMMY BX7 image of a house dust mite

Why should you remove these?

The faeces, their eggs but also mite residues can trigger allergies, especially for the asthmatics and dust allergy sufferers among us, a very big problem. House dust mites can also cause coughing with mucus or lead to acute shortness of breath in asthmatics. Otherwise, reactions such as itching, rash and hives can be triggered.

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JIMMY BX7 Pro Dust mites can cause allergies

What can you do about it?

The bed linen can be washed regularly (at least 60°), but regular airing and vacuuming also helps to keep the mite population in check. Even the smallest particles can be filtered out, especially if the vacuum cleaner has a filter. You just can’t put a couch in the washing machine, for example.

And now? How do you get rid of them?

Now comes the Jimmy BX7 Pro comes into play because it combines many technologies that help get rid of these critters.

The sucker has a ultrasonic technologythe nerves of the mites are to be destroyed by the ultrasound, thus preventing the growth of the mites.

JIMMY BX7 Pro Ultrasonic Anti-Mite Vacuum Cleaner

In addition, mites do not like temperatures around 60 degrees, so the Jimmy can settle within Heat to 60 degrees for 5 seconds and thus kill mites and bacteria.

JIMMY BX7 Pro anti-mite vacuum cleaner heats up to 60° in 5 seconds

But that’s not all, the sucker continues UV waves to destroy the mite cells that UV light kills 99,9% of mites and bacteria.

JIMMY BX7 Pro Anti-Mite Vacuum Cleaner UV Light

Features of the Jimmy BX7 Pro

First he is with one 700W high precision motor equipped to ensure strong suction power. The suction port is 245mm, So wide enough to be able to clean a larger area at the same time. What is of course important with such a device is the brush, here it will be one roller brush consisting of soft rubber strips and soft hair bristles used, it should be able to absorb fine dust and mites more easily without damaging the surface.

JIMMY BX7 Pro Anti-Mite Vacuum Cleaner

In addition, one Dust/dust mite sensor installed, it should better detect house dust mites with the detection sensor. These cannot be seen with the naked eye. The LED-Display then shows you how much dust mites the area to be cleaned is. So suck on it until the display on green jumps, because then it should be completely cleaned or dust and mite-free.

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JIMMY BX7 Pro Anti-Mite Vacuum Cleaner LED Display

By the Double cyclone filter system Dust mites and dust are filtered out of the air and dust bin detained. This includes 0,5l, um of course being able to record something. Not only dust is in our bed and on the couch, but also hair, an important factor especially for everyone who owns animals.

JIMMY BX7 Pro anti-mite vacuum cleaner double cyclone filter

Unfortunately, this does not come with a battery, but comes with one 5m long cable. But that shouldn’t really bother you, since it’s mainly used on upholstery.

Test reports / experiences / opinions

Especially for asthmatics and allergy sufferers Jimmy BX7 Pro really good. Because it combines various technologies to effectively combat dust mites and bacteria. Whether with Ultrasonicwhich destroys the nerves of the mites, high temperature, the she kills or even UV light, which even kills the cells, all together should be insanely effective. At least I can imagine it very well.

And also a good purchase for pet owners, as it should get the hair off the sofa well with its roller brush and immediately clean up the bacteria that the dog/cat bring with them.

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