Home » “Lettuce in bags, oranges on the net and baskets of strawberries at risk”: Coldiretti’s alarm on the new EU regulation

“Lettuce in bags, oranges on the net and baskets of strawberries at risk”: Coldiretti’s alarm on the new EU regulation

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“Lettuce in bags, oranges on the net and baskets of strawberries at risk”: Coldiretti’s alarm on the new EU regulation

The alarm is from Coldiretti, the opportunity is the Allfood, the agro-food fair in Milan (from 8 to 11 May in Rho). The risk – explains the association – the possible cancellation of salads in bags – and not only – from the shelves of Italian supermarkets due to the new regulation on packaging of the European Union.

Coldiretti’s complaint
In fact, Coldiretti denounced that the proposal for a regulation put forward by the European Parliament and the Council, which has yet to be definitively approved, would impose a farewell to single-use packages for fruit and vegetables weighing less than 1.5 kilograms, considered superfluous and considered on a par with small shampoo packs used in hotels.

The Science Behind the Salad (in Bag)

Problems on the horizon
«A choice that opens up to a series of problems from the hygienic-sanitary point of view, conservation and waste – notes Coldiretti – which could increase, as could also increase the costs for consumers and producers. Just think of the traditional basket of strawberries or small fruits which, especially during the transport phases, protects the integrity of the product».

The negative effect on consumption
Furthermore, the association also stressed that there could be a negative effect on consumption. «Fourth range products, from bagged salads to packaged fruit – explains Coldiretti – have now deeply entered the habits of Italians, with the danger of reducing their consumption, which has already dropped by 8% for fruit and 10% for vegetables in 2022, with a dangerous impact on health».

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The disputed measure
The disputed rule is point 2 of annex 5 of regulation 2022/0396 which imposes restrictions for single-use packaging for less than 1.5 kg of fresh fruit and vegetables, unless the need to avoid water leakage or turgor, microbiological risks or shocks.

Codacons: risk of price increases
The new regulation on packaging proposed by the European Union, according to Codacons, will harm consumers, especially singles and couples without children, and risks causing higher prices for fruit and vegetables in supermarkets. If on the one hand it is right to reduce packaging and limit its impact on the environment, on the other it is undeniable that such a measure would have a disruptive effect on consumer habits – denounces Codacons -. It would no longer be possible to find disposable salad packs, trays of strawberries, bags of apples, nets of oranges or lemons, and all those fruit and vegetables not sold in bulk in supermarkets. Beyond the inconvenience for all citizens during purchases, some categories would be particularly damaged, such as singles or couples without children, i.e. those who buy small quantities often using disposable packs, which allow them to better manage their weekly shopping and reduce food waste at home.

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