Home » Wonderful dessert without sugar and flour, 3 ingredients are enough

Wonderful dessert without sugar and flour, 3 ingredients are enough

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Wonderful dessert without sugar and flour, 3 ingredients are enough

With just 3 ingredients you can make this delicious dessert without sugar and flour, a very special oatmeal dessert!

In the context of a growing awareness of health and nutrition, there are more and more recipes that we can find on the web of sweets prepared without sugar and refined flours. Making desserts without flour and limiting the use of sugars has become a popular alternative for those who wish to follow a healthy and balanced diet without give up the pleasure of sweets. In fact, reducing the consumption of flour and sugars can bring various benefits, let’s see which ones.

Desserts without sugar and flour, because these food choices

White flour commonly used in traditional desserts is high in refined carbohydrates which can cause blood sugar spikes and a rapid rise in blood sugar. Choosing flourless desserts helps avoid these negative effects, keeping blood sugar levels stable and providing slow-release energy.

Also i flourless sweets they often use more nutritious alternatives such as wholemeal flours, almond flours or coconut flours. These alternatives contain higher amounts of fiber, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats than refined white flour. This contributes to provide more nutrients essential to the body.

dessert without sugar and flour – wineandfoodtour.it

Excessive sugar consumption, on the other hand, is associated with multiple health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, tooth decay and heart disease. Reduce sugar intake it can help prevent or manage these disorders and promote better overall health.

It must also be considered that simple sugars, such as zwhite sugar and corn syrup high in fructose, they can cause blood sugar spikes and an imbalance in the blood sugar level. Here is a recipe of one desserts without sugar and flourhealthy and at the same time captivating!

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Sugar and flour free desserts

really good!

Keyword Sugar and flour free desserts


  • 120 gr oatmeal
  • 300 ml warm milk)
  • 2 egg
  • 3 spoons cocoa powder
  • 1 pinch sale
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • qb walnuts and almonds
  • 100 gr dark chocolate
  • 2 banana


  • We begin the preparation of our sugar-free dessert by placing the oats and 250 ml of hot milk in a bowl, after mixing them well, let it rest for 10 minutes

  • in another bowl, cut a banana into small pieces and mash it with a fork, reducing it to a puree

  • add two eggs and mix well with a whisk, then add 3 tablespoons of cocoa, a pinch of salt, the baking powder and finally the oats previously softened in milk

  • at this point we transfer the mixture into a cake mold of 20 cm in diameter and sprinkle it on the surface of the almonds and walnuts

  • we bake for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees

  • when the time is over we dedicate ourselves to the coating by placing the chocolate, 50 ml of hot milk in a container and let it melt well

  • finally with a sac à poche we put it on the surface of the cake to make it more delicious!

  • our dessert without sugar and flour is ready! Enjoy your meal!

The benefits of oats, a truly healthy cereal

Oats are a ancient grain which is gaining more and more popularity thanks to its extraordinary nutritional properties. Known since ancient times for their ability to provide energy and nutrition, oats offer numerous health benefits.

Oats are high in fiber like beta-glucani, which help lower blood cholesterol, thereby improving heart health. Insoluble fibers, on the other hand, promote intestinal regularity and digestive health.


Oat flakes – wineandfoodtour.it

It plays an important role in stabilization of blood sugar levels thanks to its soluble fibers. Especially important for people with diabetes or who want to prevent blood sugar spikes.

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Oats contain antioxidants clike avenanthramides, which help fight oxidative stress and protect cells from free radical damage. These compounds may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and some forms of cancer, and is a source of essential nutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin E, zinc and selenium, which are important for the optimal functioning of the immune system. Consuming oats can help strengthen the body’s defenses and maintain good general health.

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