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ADUC – Health – Article

by admin
ADUC – Health – Article
Contracts to be blocked immediately and the consumptions made do not have to be paid

In recent months, electricity and gas services are multiplying unsolicited manager changes. Almost all operators who illegally get hold of the user’s data make him their customer. The user received a phone call where the vendor stole some data from him, also posing as the existing manager. Contracts that are illegal if they have not been explicitly accepted over the telephone or, always stipulated over the telephone, have not been signed on paper.
The user generally only notices it when he receives the bill from this new manager, often after a long time because perhaps the first bills have not been sent to him.

How to proceed: registered or pec, no payment or refund if already paid
Realizing the change, the user, who does not have to pay for the consumption of the period in which the illegal contract was active (1), has 30 days to issue a registered letter with return receipt or certified email to the new manager who took over illegally to block the service and get him back to the contract he had with the previous manager and, if any payments were made, refund them.
The old manager must continue to apply the conditions of the previously active contract without any additional charge.
If within 40 days no response is received or a negative response is received, the user will have to contact the Energy Authority, Arera which, having evaluated everything, will decide whether the user is right and, consequently, will give notice to the illegal manager to proceed with the restoration of the old contract and, if necessary, to repay the amount due.

See also  from 120 to 180 euros per week

Everything can be done on your own or col logistic support of Aduc

1 – art 66 quinques of the consumer code

Here the video on Aduc’s YouTube channel

the association does not receives and is against public funding (also 5 per thousand)
Its economic strength are inscriptions and contributions donated by those who deem it useful


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