Home » The good habit that everyone should have when eating: immense benefits

The good habit that everyone should have when eating: immense benefits

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Eating is one of the most frequent actions, but few know the most beneficial way to do it for health and also…for the figure!

Il food it certainly has a fundamental role in the quality of life and also in maintaining the figure, but very few imagine that it is also the way of eating that affects health and extra pounds. Chewing food is one of the most instinctive and natural gestures that a human being performs in the course of his life and yet hardly anyone poses the problem of adopting the right habits to do so.

Sure, food intake also involves a whole etiquette to follow, but today that’s not what we want to talk to you about. Our intention is to inform you of the myriad benefits that you can find by adopting a habit that, in truth, very few have at the table. Perhaps initially it may seem complicated to implement, but rest assured that after a first initial effort, it will come spontaneously and your health will improve visibly!

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The habit that everyone should start adopting is to eat slowly. Yes, it is very likely that you have already heard this talk somewhere, but knowing in detail the incredible benefits that slow chewing brings will surely entice you to give it a try. Without underestimating the usefulness of this practice with regard to weight loss!

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As claimed by the nutritional biologist Melissa Mombrinieating slowly promotes digestion: “This happens because the digestive process already begins in the mouth thanks to the enzymes that are present in saliva (such as lipase and salivary amylase or ptyalin)”. In practice, when the food reaches the stomach, it is already partially digested, facilitating the work of the organ in question.

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With better digestion you also put on less weight, but that won’t be the only factor to help you lose weight: since the human brain begins to perceive the sense of satiety after 20 minutes from the beginning of the meal, spending more time chewing in six months, 5% of body weight is lost.

Furthermore, when you eat quickly, you tend to swallow more air and drink more, all elements that cause swelling in the abdomen. A slow chewing rhythm decreases gastroesophageal reflux and the risk of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance: there will be less glucose pouring into the blood and therefore a lower risk of diabetes.

According to doctors, one should chew a bite between 15 and 30 times every 30 secondstrying to stand up straight. During the first few days, you could take advantage of the reminder function on your mobile phone to avoid forgetting the recommendations in question. Another useful idea could be to use chopsticks instead of cutlery to spend more time taking bites before bringing them to your mouth. These are just examples, but you can very well resort to the tricks you think are most effective: the important thing is to learn a new way of eating that will really change your life.

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