Home » Cherkaoui Hboub confirms Algeria’s refusal to cooperate with Morocco to confront terrorism

Cherkaoui Hboub confirms Algeria’s refusal to cooperate with Morocco to confront terrorism

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Cherkaoui Hboub confirms Algeria’s refusal to cooperate with Morocco to confront terrorism
Photo: Mounir Mhaimidat

Hespress from RabatSunday 14 May 2023 – 18:00

Al-Sharkaoui Habboub, director of the Central Office for Judicial Research, stressed that the Kingdom of Morocco is cooperating with all partners in the fight against terrorism, with the exception of one country, Algeria, considering that this matter constitutes a threat to the region.

Al-Sharqawi said, during his stay as a guest on the “Meeting Hespress” program: “We cooperate with all partners, whether the United States of America, European countries, African countries and others, except for the eastern neighbor Algeria, with which there is no final cooperation, and everyone knows that.”

The same security official added, “This poses a danger to the region,” stressing that the absence of information and security coordination in an official capacity “paves the way for terrorist organizations to benefit from the lack of coordination and expand their activities.”

Concerning the file of Moroccans returning from fighting hotspots in Syria and Iraq, the same spokesman considered that they “pose one of the security challenges facing Morocco and the rest of the countries, because they have acquired skills in guerrilla warfare, and they have combat experience in the manufacture of explosives and poisons.”

Al-Sharqawi stated that “the number of detainees in Syria has reached 251, including 136 women, and 121 of their nationalities are Moroccan, while 15 have dual nationalities.” While 291 of the women who joined trouble spots returned, 99 of them returned.

The same official also stressed that the real problem is “how can the file of the stranded, nominally children and minors, be managed,” noting that “the returnees require support in terms of health, security and social, because they pose a threat to public security and the stability of the Kingdom.”

Al-Sharqawi also indicated that the office brought to justice 141 returnees from hotbeds of tension, including 119 who returned from the region of Syria and Iraq, 14 who returned from the “ISIS” branch in Libya, and 8 who were returned in coordination with the United States of America on March 10, 2019.

Bassij Algeria Haboub Cherkaoui

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