Home » The results of the Elections in La Pampa: they closed some elections that augur the re-election of Ziliotto

The results of the Elections in La Pampa: they closed some elections that augur the re-election of Ziliotto

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The results of the Elections in La Pampa: they closed some elections that augur the re-election of Ziliotto

Governor Sergio Ziliotto has high hopes of being re-elected to office after the polls close and the vote count for the provincial elections begins. The tables closed at 6:00 p.m. and the first results are expected at 9:00 p.m.

The elections to elect governor and other provincial offices closed this afternoon in La Pampa, in a day that passed normally and in which it is estimated that 70% of the electoral roll, made up of almost 300 thousand voters, voted.

The keys to the elections in La Pampa

The inhabitants of La Pampa went to the polls this May 14 to elect their new governor, in an election in which the current Peronist president, Sergio Ziliotto, is emerging as the great favorite to win re-election.

If he succeeds, he will extend the hegemony of the Justicialista Party (PJ) that governs that province, uninterruptedly since 1983, with the return of democracy 40 years ago.

La Pampa thus joined the batch of provinces that already held elections in advance of the national calendar, such as Río Negro and Neuquén that voted in April, and Jujuy, La Rioja and Misiones that did so last Sunday.

On February 12, the province inaugurated the electoral schedule with the primaries that were characterized by a fierce internal struggle that shook Juntos por el Cambio. The UCR beat the PRO and imposed its candidate Martín Berhongaraywho was congratulated by the national deputy and candidate for governor of La Pampa, Martin Maquieyra (PRO).

Martín Berhongaray is the candidate of Together for Change.

This Sunday there were 925 disputed charges. At the provincial level, governor and vice president are elected and the entire Chamber of Deputies is renewed, made up of 30 seats of titular legislators and 10 substitutes. In addition, there is a vote to elect 195 titular and substitute justices of the peace, corresponding to 65 localities. At the municipal level, 61 mayors, 519 councilors, 18 presidents of promotion commissions and 90 members are elected.

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The current Peronist governor Sergio Ziliotto seeks his re-election together with Alicia Mayoral under the seal of the Pampean Justicialista Front, a space made up of the Justicialista Party, the Renewal Front, Patria Grande, the Humanist Party, the New Encounter and the Communist Party. This way, Peronism is risking the hegemony of power that it has maintained for four decadessince no other party has ever governed since the return of democracy.

Ziliotto was close to Fernández, but recently signed agreements with leftist parties that criticized the national administration. “Experience has shown us that it was not only to remove Macri, because Alberto Fernández came and the parliament ratified the agreement with the IMF. We need a popular will that votes to prevent the province from falling into the hands of these reactionaries,” they said in a communique the Labor and People’s Party (PTP) and the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR) adding their support to the governor.

Together for Change will be represented by the radical national deputy Martin Berhongaray, who will be accompanied by the former provincial deputy from the same party, Patricia Testa. The front is also integrated by the PRO and the MID.

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