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the values ​​to be monitored and the role of the diet

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In one out of four cases it can develop into real diabetes: this is why it is good to take action as soon as you enter the prediabetes phase

Prediabetes or hyperglycemia: two ‘quasi’ synonyms to indicate a condition which, if left untreated, can lead to real type 2 or dietary diabetes. “At least 25% of prediabetics become diabetic”, warns Professor Carmine Gazzaruso, professor of Endocrinology at the University of Milan and head of the Diabetology, Endocrinology, Metabolic and Vascular Diseases Service and of the Clinical Research Center of the Clinical Institute Blessed Matthew of Vigevano.

What is prediabetes: the difference with diabetes –

But how does prediabetes differ from diabetes? “The prediabet it is a condition produced by the presence of glucose (or sugar) circulating in the blood higher than normal but lower than the amount that leads to a diagnosis of diabetes. As in the case of diabetes, blood glucose levels, or the glycemia, they are not the only indicator of the presence of this condition. To arrive at a diagnosis of diabetes as well as prediabetes, one must also dose glycated hemoglobin, a value that indicates the percentage of glycated red blood cells, to which the sugar is attached. L’glycated hemoglobin provides an idea not only of the morning blood glucose, fasting, but also of the post-prandial blood glucose, after meals, and concerns not only the glucose levels of the morning in which the blood is drawn, but those of the previous three months “. And what are the values what should make us think about prediabetes? “There glycemia it is normal up to 99 mg / dl, from 100 to 125 you are in prediabetes and over 126 you are in diabetes. I remember that it must be measured in at least two distinct situations to have a certain diagnosis. As for theglycated hemoglobin, the normal value is up to 5.6%, from 5.7% to 6.4% is in prediabetes and over 6.5% is in diabetes “, explains Professor Gazzaruso.

Prediabetes or hyperglycemia: the values ​​to monitor and the causes –

As Professor Gazzaruso recalls, “for every two diabetics who know they are diabetic, there is one who does not know they have it: this is why checks are essential. The risk is to realize that you have diabetes when you have a heart attack or kidney failure “. The suggestion of the diabetologist is to undergo the control of the dosage of blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin values “Together with routine exams, once a year when you are over 40 and with the same frequency even before the age of 40 if you have familiarity or risk factors such asobesity. It should also be remembered that even the prolonged intake of cortisone can cause prediabetes and diabetes: there is in fact a form of diabetes, the metasateroid diabetes, due precisely to cortisone. If you take a cortisone-based drug, your blood sugar tends to drop in the morning and rise during the day. Also for this reason it is essential to also check glycated hemoglobin, otherwise there is a risk of not having a correct diagnosis “.

Symptoms and consequences of prediabetes –

The importance of controls and prevention is also given by the fact that, explains Professor Gazzaruso, “the prediabetes, such as mild diabetes, does not give any symptoms: when situations arise polyuria (i.e. increased diuresis) or polydipsia (i.e. increased thirst) you already have decompensated diabetes. This is why it is important to undergo regular checkups. An untreated prediabetes, in fact, in one out of four cases leads to real diabetes, which is a pathology associated with macro and microvascular complications. In the case of prediabetes, the increased risks concern the sphere of the macrocirculation, not that of the microcirculation: therefore there are no particular risks for the eye and sight given by diabetes, but the same risks are run as regards the heart, the brain they meaning, with increased possibilities of heart attack, stroke and amputations. After all, it is said that in diabetes a heart attack is precocious precisely because not only the period in which one has had full-blown diabetes should be considered, but also the years of prediabetes ”.

How to beat prediabetes: diet and physical activity –

Just like in the case of diabetes, there are two focuses for the prevention and treatment of prediabetes: diet and physical activity. “Lose weight is critical. Even in the event that it comes to the prescription of a therapy based on metformin O acarbian (to date not authorized for the treatment of prediabetes but only for that of diabetes) la diet and thephysical activity they are essential. As in the case of diabetes, it can be followed for an initial period chetogenica diet or the intermittent fasting, to lose weight, and then follow the Mediterranean diet to maintain the achieved body weight. It should be remembered that the Mediterranean diet means the original Mediterranean diet, rich not in refined flours but in vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, fish, dried fruit and extra virgin olive oil. Moreover, the Mediterranean diet is excellent for avoiding prediabetes. If desired, then, there are also gods nutraceutici as the berberine and the chrome which may partially improve insulin sensitivity. But eliminating excess fat is necessary to achieve remission of prediabetes and not cause it to turn into diabetes ”, reiterates Professor Gazzaruso.

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