Home » Special article|The east wind is mighty and long – President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries triggered enthusiastic response-Xinhuanet

Special article|The east wind is mighty and long – President Xi Jinping’s trip to three European countries triggered enthusiastic response-Xinhuanet

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President Xi Jinping’s recent trip to three European countries has sparked a warm response from politicians, scholars, and citizens alike. The trip, which included visits to France, Serbia, and Hungary, was described as a “mighty east wind” that brought a sense of cooperation, prosperity, and warmth to the turbulent world.

During his visit, President Xi Jinping received warm welcomes and heartfelt receptions from the people of each country he visited. From the shepherds’ songs in France to the Serbian Building Square in Serbia, and the flower presentation in Hungary, the people expressed their respect and friendship towards the Chinese leader.

The significance of President Xi Jinping’s visit was widely recognized both domestically and internationally. It was seen as a major step in strengthening China’s relationships with France, Serbia, and Hungary, as well as re-launching China-EU cooperation. The visit demonstrated China’s commitment to major-country diplomacy and showcased President Xi Jinping’s leadership and charisma on the global stage.

The trip also focused on fostering pragmatic cooperation between China and the visited countries. Agreements on trade, agriculture, aviation, and infrastructure were signed, laying the foundation for mutually beneficial partnerships. These agreements are not only beneficial for economic development but also strengthen the bonds between the people of the nations involved.

Additionally, the visit highlighted the importance of people-to-people exchanges and cultural cooperation. President Xi Jinping’s interactions with local citizens in France, Serbia, and Hungary were met with enthusiasm and warmth. The engagement of young scientists, students, and cultural institutions further solidified the friendship between China and the visited countries.

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Overall, President Xi Jinping’s trip to Europe was not only a diplomatic success but also a demonstration of China’s commitment to global cooperation and mutual development. The visit sent a powerful message of peace, unity, and solidarity to the world, reinforcing China’s image as a responsible major country with international influence and moral appeal.

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