Home » Every 18:00丨The solution to the salary arrears of Chinese professional football clubs is announced; Shanghai will conduct nucleic acid testing tomorrow; the administrative reconsideration decision of the 39 buildings in Haihua Island has been made | Daily Economic News

Every 18:00丨The solution to the salary arrears of Chinese professional football clubs is announced; Shanghai will conduct nucleic acid testing tomorrow; the administrative reconsideration decision of the 39 buildings in Haihua Island has been made | Daily Economic News

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Every 18:00丨The solution to the salary arrears of Chinese professional football clubs is announced; Shanghai will conduct nucleic acid testing tomorrow; the administrative reconsideration decision of the 39 buildings in Haihua Island has been made | Daily Economic News

1丨The solution to the salary arrears of Chinese professional football clubs announced

Every AI Express, the Chinese Football Association and the Chinese Football Federation preparatory team convened an online meeting of the Chinese Super League, Chinese League One and Chinese League Two clubs on the 3rd. Announcement of the 2022 season, the list of clubs admitted to the third-tier league, and the solution to club wage arrears and related penalties. The 2021 season and before set up three time points: the settlement of arrears before July 31, 2022 shall not be less than 30% of the total; the settlement of arrears before October 31, 2022 shall not be less than 70% of the total; December 2022 All outstanding wages will be settled by March 31st. (Xinhua News Agency)

2丨Shanghai: Nucleic acid testing will be carried out across the city on April 4, please register in advance today and take a screenshot to save the QR code

In order to curb the spread of the epidemic as soon as possible and realize the dynamic clearing of social aspects as soon as possible, according to the previous nucleic acid screening results, the city will carry out a nucleic acid test in the city tomorrow (4th). Please select “Nucleic Acid Detection Service” in the Health Cloud APP or applet in advance today, register and save the QR code with a screenshot, and pay attention to the accuracy and completeness of information registration. (Shanghai released public account)

3丨The administrative reconsideration decision of the 39 buildings in Haihua Island has been made

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Every AI Express, the reporter learned from the relevant departments of Danzhou that recently, the reconsideration authority made a decision to change the original demolition to confiscation in accordance with the law on the administrative reconsideration of the 39 buildings on Haihua Island. The person in charge of the department said that the legitimate rights and interests of all parties concerned will be well protected in accordance with laws and regulations. Previously, the relevant departments have held accountable and handled 8 responsible persons including Zhang Qi and Lin Dong, and will further investigate and handle other relevant responsible persons in accordance with regulations, disciplines and laws. (Hainan Daily)

4丨From 0 to 16:00 today, Fujian added 8 local confirmed cases and 19 asymptomatic infections

Every AI Express, according to the Fujian Provincial Health and Health Commission, from 0 to 16:00 on April 3, 8 new local confirmed cases were reported in Fujian (6 in Quanzhou, 2 in Xiamen, of which 5 were asymptomatic confirmed cases), and the local asymptomatic 19 cases were infected (18 in Quanzhou and 1 in Fuzhou). (CCTV News)

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