Home » The Zhejiang Men’s Basketball Super League is about to start and the CBA championship members will also come to participate_Hangzhou Net

The Zhejiang Men’s Basketball Super League is about to start and the CBA championship members will also come to participate_Hangzhou Net

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The Zhejiang Men’s Basketball Super League is about to start and the CBA championship members will also come to participate_Hangzhou Net

The Zhejiang Men’s Basketball Super League is about to start, and the CBA championship members will also come to participate

Recently, Zhejiang basketball has been full of happy events. The CBA has just come to an end, Zhejiang Chouzhou men’s basketball team broke into the finals to create a team history record; Huipu Middle School in Linhai, Taizhou won the national high school men’s basketball league championship again after 7 years; and the annual Zhejiang men’s basketball super The league (hereinafter referred to as the “Zhejiang Super League”) will also take over the CBA and whistle in Xianju, Taizhou on May 26.

The Zhejiang Super League is the amateur basketball tournament with the highest level, the greatest influence, and the most participation in Zhejiang. Starting from 2018, the first five sessions have produced a new champion every year. No team has ever defended the title. The intensity of the competition is evident. In the past two years, several traditional strong teams have continued to substantially strengthen and upgrade the lineup. With the addition of some CBA and NBL retired players, CUBA star players and street court traffic stars, the overall level of the league has been significantly improved and the confrontation has become more intense. . This year, Wan Shengwei, who has won the CBA championship twice with Guangdong Hongyuan, will represent the Hangzhou Goat Yongtong team in the competition, which can be described as a highlight of the league.

The first stage of this year’s Zhejiang Super League adopts a tournament system and will be held in Xianju from May 26 to June 1. At the pre-match work meeting held on the afternoon of May 16, 15 teams were divided into 4 groups by drawing lots. Each group will qualify first, and the home and away game system will resume after reaching the semi-finals. Ge Yanxin, director of the competition department of the Zhejiang Basketball Association, said that the strength of each team has been strengthened. Judging from the group results, “some are happy and some are sad”, and there are also “death groups”, which are full of highlights.

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As the champion of last season, Hangzhou Goat Yongtong introduced players of Wan Shengwei’s level, and the heart of defending the title can be seen. “We welcome more former professional players to join the Zhejiang Super League. On the one hand, they can continue their basketball career. On the other hand, they can also improve the level of the Zhejiang Super League and promote the development of the league.” Ge Yanxin introduced that according to the regulations of the Zhejiang Super League, professional players retire for one year Only after the year can you register for the competition.

As a rare provincial-level amateur basketball league in the country, after five years of development, the Zhejiang Super League has become a well-known private basketball game in the country. In recent years, it has also made innovations and breakthroughs in brand games and basketball culture construction. In order to cultivate the market value of the league, we will continue to try, continue to expand its influence, and contribute to the development of Zhejiang basketball.

Author: Reporter Wang Zhenkai Editor: Xu Jie

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