Home » How much meat can you eat per week, according to WHO, to avoid health problems

How much meat can you eat per week, according to WHO, to avoid health problems

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How much meat can you eat per week, according to WHO, to avoid health problems

The focus on the amount of meat you can eat per week is always very high, there are various indications but the WHO has been very clear on how to consume it.

Many love to eat it, but perhaps few imagine that red meat is indicated as a food to be eaten in moderation. A excessive amount and prolonged use over the usual time, in fact, can lead to risks and even pathologies with long-term onset.

The nutritional recommendations regarding the red meat to be consumed, therefore, are increasingly strict and it is important to respect them for one’s health.

Meat: how many times should it be eaten a week

The attention on nutrition is increasingly high because many depend on it illnesses that can be controlled and whose prevention starts right from the table. For this reason, the World Health Organization provides clear guidelines to better address the planning of one’s diet. The general objective is to promote the consumption of a healthy and balanced food plan, preferring the use of white meat and fish.

All the recommendations to know about the weekly use of red meat (tantasalute.it)

Let me be clear: red meat is by no means absolute evil! It is, in fact, about a food that offers nutrients and properties useful to the body – such as proteins, iron, zinc, vitamins. And which has a nutritional composition capable of satiating and with an unmissable taste. From here, therefore, it follows that a type of meat of this kind should not be excluded from the outset, but that it must not be taken in large quantities, not abused or made into a food to be eaten on a daily basis. Meat increases the risk of cancer, can lead to heart disease due to its high fat and cholesterol content, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and obesity.

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However, the recommendations in this regard do not come only from the WHO, whose recommendation is 500 grams of lean red meat per week, but also from other bodies:

  • In fact, AESAN recommends consuming a little beef, pork, lamb and goat, limited to two or three times a week;
  • The World Cancer Research Fund, on the other hand, indicates as an absolute value a portion between 350 and 500 grams per week to be eaten all at once or divided into portions;
  • Furthermore, according to the NHS, one should not consume more than 70 grams of red meat per day;
  • For the American Heart Association, again, there is talk of a maximum of two servings a week;
  • The American Cancer Association, however, a maximum of 510 grams of red meat weekly.

So what to do with indications that do not coincide? Definitely rely on that of the World Health Organization and in any case on the side of the medici which always invite the consumption of red meat once a week.

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