Home » ‘Jamryong’ Disantis runs for president on the 25th… Full-fledged confrontation with Trump :: Sympathetic media Newsis news agency ::

‘Jamryong’ Disantis runs for president on the 25th… Full-fledged confrontation with Trump :: Sympathetic media Newsis news agency ::

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‘Jamryong’ Disantis runs for president on the 25th…  Full-fledged confrontation with Trump :: Sympathetic media Newsis news agency ::

He was considered a Trump opponent, but struggled with the recent decline in approval ratings

[옥슨힐=AP/뉴시스]Florida Governor Ron DeSantis speaks at the Heritage Foundation’s 50th Anniversary Leadership Summit on April 21. 2023.05.11.

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Kwon Seong-geun = Florida Governor Ron Disantis (44), who is considered a leading Republican presidential candidate in the United States, is expected to formalize his challenge for the 2024 presidential election next week and engage in a full-scale confrontation with his rival, former President Donald Trump.

Governor Disantis is one of the only opponents of former President Trump, and he is struggling with a recent decline in approval ratings.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) and Fox News reported on the 18th that Governor DeSantis plans to register with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) as a Republican presidential candidate on the 25th (local time).

On the same day, a campaign fundraising event for Governor Disantis will be held in Miami, Florida, USA.

By law, Disantis cannot solicit or receive campaign contributions until it has registered its candidacy.

DeSantis served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and was re-elected to Florida governor in the 2018 and 2022 elections.

He was also evaluated as having succeeded in creating an image of a “culture warrior” among conservatives by promoting hard-line policies targeting sexual minorities and illegal immigrants.

Disantis was ahead of Trump in some polls at the end of last year, but its presence has declined this year as it continues to fall behind Trump, who is engulfed in judicial risks.

In fact, in a poll released on the 16th by Morning Consult, a polling agency, 61% of Republican primary voters supported Trump as a candidate for the 2024 presidential election. Disantis’ approval rating was only 18%.

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In the Republican Party, in addition to Trump, former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, former Arkansas Governor Esa Hutchinson, and entrepreneur Vivek Lama Swami announced their candidacy. Also, former Vice President Mike Pence and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie are expected to run.

◎Sympathy Media Newsis [email protected]

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