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High cholesterol: how to reduce it with diet

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High cholesterol: how to reduce it with diet

Two increasingly effective remedies for combating high cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia) are physical activity and the Mediterranean diet. We remind you that a high cholesterol value is a risk factor for the onset of cardiovascular disease.

Hypercholesterolemia and health risks

Cholesterol is a fat that is partially produced in our body, and partially introduced with the diet. Very important for fulfilling some functions, such as the production of vitamin D, formation of bile in digestion and construction of the cell wall of the nervous system, if in excess it can be the cause of various pathologies. We can distinguish it in:

  • ā€œbadā€ cholesterol, or LDL;
  • ā€œgoodā€ cholesterol, o HDL.

LDL cholesterol, so called because it is carried by certain proteins called low-density lipoproteinsif in excess can cause atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. In fact, it is deposited on the wall of the arteries, blocking them, and making it difficult for the blood to pass.

The high density lipoproteins instead, which give their name to the so-called “good” cholesterol or HDL, they have the function of transporting the cholesterol molecules to the liver and to the organs responsible for the synthesis of steroid hormones. Compared to LDL, HDL lipoproteins have a lower percentage of triglycerides and cholesterol, as well as a higher percentage of proteins and phospholipids.

Foods that lower high cholesterol

Nutrition, in itself, represents an excellent and effective therapy against hypercholesterolemia. If the levels are quite high, the adoption of a correct diet is associated with drug therapy.

The indications are those provided for the Mediterranean diet, namely:

  • Focus on the consumption of legumes, vegetables and cereals. Without cholesterol, in fact, legumes are an excellent source of fiber and protein, also helping to reduce total cholesterol. We therefore recommend a consumption of legumes 2-4 times a week, in addition to a daily consumption of 2 portions of vegetables and 2-3 portions of fruit. The low amount of calories, the absence of fat and the abundance of fibres, make these foods allies for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Be careful with the condiments
  • Prefer the consumption of fishespecially the blue one, to be consumed 2-3 times a week and to be prepared avoiding frying.
  • The meat it can be part of the diet, as long as white meat (skinless for chicken) and lean, fat-free cuts are preferred.
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Foods to limit

Also in this case, the recommendations for maintaining a good cholesterol level are the same as those for anyone to maintain a normal weight and prevent many diseases. Obviously, those suffering from hypercholesterolemia must pay more attention to the consumption of these foods, greatly limiting their consumption or, in some cases, avoiding them altogether.

  • The sausages not preserved meats they should be limited as much as possible;
  • Avoid consuming alcoholic beveragesespecially when hypercholesterolemia is associated with hypertriglyceridemia.
  • Limit, again as much as possible, the consumption of animal fats present in cheeses, lard and cream, to name a few.
  • Prefer cooking methods alternatives to frying and sautĆ©ing, avoiding adding too much oil or butter, such as cooking in foil, steamed and grilled.


Good habits must be associated with nutrition, such as maintaining one active lifestyle avoiding long moments of sedentary lifestyle. Practicing physical activity not only increases HDL cholesterol levels, but also allows you to prevent various diseases, as well as improve mood and relieve stress. Adopting an active lifestyle also allows you to maintain a normal weight, avoiding the overweight and theobesity, often related to hypercholesterolemia. Furthermore, an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases has been associated with an abundant waistline, since it is associated with a higher concentration of visceral fat. In men, the reference value not to be exceeded is 102 cm, while in women it is 88 cm.

Among other habits to eliminate let’s not forget the smoke and the alcohol consumption as mentioned previously. In fact, they increase the concentration of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

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It is also good to remember that these suggestions are general guides and that, in cases of hypercholesterolemia, you should always consult your doctor to have an adequate food plan and, if necessary, to follow a drug therapy.


  • https://www.fondazioneveronesi.it/magazine/articoli/cardiologia/il-colesterolo-cattivo-si-vince-con-una-buona-alimentazione
  • https://www.humanitas.it/visite-ed-esami/colesterolo-alto-i-cibi-che-lo-abbassano/
  • https://www.my-personaltrainer.it/dieta/dieta-colesterolo.html
  • https://www.msdmanuals.com/it-it/casa/i-fatti-in-breve-disturbi-ormonali-e-metabolici/disturbi-del-colesterolo/colesterolo-alto

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