Home » heavy rain, for three valleys the alert is orange

heavy rain, for three valleys the alert is orange

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The functional center of the Piedmont Region has issued, for the period from Friday 19 to Sunday 21 May 2023 (following the weather forecasts), the orange alert for hydrogeological and hydraulic risk as regards the territory of the metropolitan city for the upper Susa, Chisone and Pellice valleys (as well as for the plain and the Po valley in the Cuneo area). Yellow alert instead for the Orco, di Lanzo, low Susa and Sangone valleys, Chiusella and for the rest of the territory. Flooding of watercourses is possible, with widespread phenomena in all areas affected by the orange alert, local flooding in the areas affected by yellow alert, just as landslides and slope phenomena are possible throughout the territory.

Closed the Murazzi in Turin

The meteorological-hydrogeological situation in Turin and the Po river, according to the forecasts offered by ARPA, is now in yellow code (low criticality): therefore a moderate alert, with vigilance and continuous monitoring of its evolution but already from Friday evening the precautionary closure of the Murazzi to vehicular and pedestrian transit is ordered. All activities on the river were suspended, starting with the already pre-alerted rowing clubs.

The monitoring of the civil protection will involve all the areas along the rivers between Corso Regina Margherita and Moncalieri, including the Medieval Village and particular attention will be paid to the Fioccardo area and the Sappone stream.

Any updates that may become necessary based on the weather forecast will be promptly communicated to citizens and the media through press releases, on the home page of the Municipality’s website and on its social channels (Facebook page and Twitter account).

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The councils of the Metropolitan City

The metropolitan city monitors the situation 24 hours a day. park on bridges and in areas adjacent to watercourses, remove cars from underground car parks and park them safely before the rains intensify, do not stop in underground rooms and remove anything that needs to be stored dry when it is not raining. in the highest risk areas they are invited to follow the media to keep themselves updated on the evolution of the situation and to follow the indications of their mayors, to whom any critical issues must be communicated”.

The operations room of the Piedmont Region is open

The Region’s operations room is open 24/7 from Saturday morning until the end of the event to carefully monitor the bad weather forecast for Piedmont and prepare any necessary interventions.

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