Home » Emilia Romagna, Ravenna: rescued helicopter crashes. Still red alert

Emilia Romagna, Ravenna: rescued helicopter crashes. Still red alert

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Emilia Romagna, Ravenna: rescued helicopter crashes.  Still red alert

Bad weather: Salvini, thanks to those who work day and night. Local infrastructure is needed. No time for another dossier with Europe

“I thank all those who are working day and night for material and immaterial security” after what happened in Emilia-Romagna. So the deputy premier and minister of infrastructure and transport Matteo Salvini in a press point in Bologna after the flood in Emilia-Romagna. “The territory must be infrastructured and made safe. There are no right or left dams”. And again: “Reconstruction will need to be associated with emergency regulations. “We’re not going anywhere in Europe. A serious country can find the money without reopening a dossier”. The possible process of remodulation of European funds such as those of the Pnrr“it risks being too long” and we cannot afford “to lose months”, he adds, in order to use them for reconstruction.

Bad weather: Bonaccini, 500 million damages on provincial roads alone. 200 million damage to Anas roads and railways

“From the point of view of quantifying the damage, we have with the commissioner Corsini and all the infrastructure, estimated only for the provincial roads half a billion euros but the whole part of the municipal roads is missing”. Thus the president of Emilia-Romagna Stefano Bonaccini in a press point in the prefecture in Bologna after the flood that particularly devastated Romagna. “It is a figure that will obviously increase. There are over 500 roads blocked or destroyed,” she adds. “With Anas we have estimated around 100 million euros in damages, the same figure for all the railways. What we are asking for – and I thank Minister Salvini because we talk to each other every day – is the maximum possible simplification obviously in compliance with everything that is under the heading legality ”, he adds. (breaking latest news)

Bad weather: vice president E. Romagna, red alert on Sunday too

The red alert in Bologna and Romagna has also been confirmed for tomorrow. This is what emerged from the point on the situation made today by Irene Priolo, vice president of the Region with responsibility for civil protection, in viale Silvani (Bologna). In particular, red alert for hydraulic criticality on low hills, plains and the Romagna coast; plain of Bologna. Red alert for hydrogeological criticality on the high hills of Romagna and the hills of Bologna. Orange alert for hydraulic criticality on the high hills of Romagna, the hills of Bologna, the Modena plain. Orange alert for hydrogeological criticality on the mountains of Romagna, low hills, plains and coast of Romagna, mountains of Bologna.

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More than 36,600 people had to leave their homes due to the floods; the majority, 27,775, in the Ravenna area, then 4,830 in the province of Forlì-Cesena and 4,012 in the Bologna area – explained Priolo – The interventions to assist the population continue 24 hours a day, thanks to all the forces in the field; 4,963 (of which 3,652 in the Ravenna area, 798 in the Bologna area, 509 in the Forlì-Cesena area and 4 in the Rimini area) are accommodated in hotels and in the structures set up by the Municipalities: schools, arenas and gyms; the others have found alternative accommodations (second homes, friends and relatives). As for the floods, to the 58 reported yesterday, some are being added in the municipalities of Conselice, Lugo and Ravenna (north area). In Ravenna and in the province, 16% of the municipal area and almost 15,000 people were evacuated, a tenth of the total; in the province of Ravenna alone 27,700 people were evacuated. Preventive evacuations are still continuing. The reception system allowed 1,200 overnight stays in 60 hotels and 3,000 people welcomed in the civil protection hubs. The leak on the Lamone closed: situation improving in Bagnacavallo. In Lavezzola, operations are underway to raise the bank of the Destra Reno canal, with pockets and tarpaulins. An assistance and reception center for 200 people is operational in Conselice.

Bad weather: Meloni will visit Emilia Romagna tomorrow

As far as we know, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni will already be in Emilia Romagna tomorrow, for a visit to the territories brought to their knees by bad weather. Meloni will leave the G7 in Hiroshima early in the next few hours, precisely to closely follow the evolution of the relief efforts and the situation. The program is still being defined; closely related to weather conditions.

Helicopter crash in the Ravenna area: 4 injured in vigilant conditions, 1 not serious

All four of the injured were taken to hospital in alert conditions after the fall of a private helicopter involved in rescue operations in Ca’di Lugo, in the Ravenna area. 1 were transported to Maggiore in Bologna, 2 to Bufalini in Cesena by air ambulance from 118, the fourth by ambulance to Ravenna: the latter’s conditions are not serious.

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Bad weather: crashed helicopter attempted emergency landing

The helicopter that crashed in the Ravenna area was engaged in an operation to restore the electricity network. According to what has been learned, the 4 injured have already been extracted by the Fire Brigade and transported by air ambulance; two would be in serious condition. The aircraft would be an ‘EliOssola’ vehicle and would have attempted an emergency landing

The accident took place in Cà di Lugo: the private helicopter, in service on behalf of Enel on a restoration of the power line, flew low and would have “spinned”, crashing

Bad weather emergency, there are fears of a large flood in the center of Ravenna. Stop taxes in Emilia Romagna

Bad weather continues to scare. In particular, as Repubblica recounts, there is fear in Ravenna, where there is a red alert due to the rains and the swollen canals. “Race against time to protect lives and the city center”. The mayor admits: “It’s the worst day, we don’t know if we will be able to stop the water”. As Repubblica explains, “in the Ravenna area the appeals not to clog the telephone lines are multiplying. Hundreds of isolated villages without electricity, water and gas. The few open pharmacies and tobacconists were taken by storm, the shelves of the rare supermarkets still active were half-empty”.

Meanwhile, Corriere della Sera explains, emergency measures are on the way: “There will be a suspension of tax and social security contributions and mortgages and a halt to hearings. The Arera suspends water, electricity and gas bills. On the advice of Deputy Prime Minister Tajani, ICE has allocated 3 million to support companies in Emilia-Romagna and the Marches”. Meanwhile, the Ravenna prosecutor’s office has opened a file for each victim. For manslaughter, against unknown persons, the one on delayed an elderly man from Castel Bolognese. And on the Region, writes the Corriere, “the Report of the Court of Auditors that has lambasted it for the 55 million euros assigned to maintenance but not spent because it was instead destined for the navigability of the Po “burns”. hoax already denied” according to Bonaccini.

Fear also on the Po. “Catastrophe risk”

But now there is also concern for the rest of the north. And in particular for the Po, according to what the Journal writes. “16% of the embankments of the great river are at risk especially in the middle Piedmontese-Lombardy stretch and in the Po Delta the criticalities rise to 50%”. Alessandro Bratti, secretary general of the Po River District Basin Authority, told Il Giornale: “When I asked for money to fix the levees in times of drought, they thought I was crazy. But I knew that the water would come in an avalanche. 550 million are needed for the most important works, they can be financed with the Pnrr. I wrote to the Ministry of Infrastructure, but after two months I still have no answers”.

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Bad weather, Dense blocks Schlein: “It’s impossible to use the Pnrr for the instability”

The issue of Emilia deserves direct attention from the Government. The Pnrr has clear paths and a spending deadline, which is June 2026, therefore it is clear that this does not allow the Pnrr to be used for interventions of immediate urgency”. Speaking with journalists on the sidelines of the ‘Verso Sud’ forum, organized by The European House Ambrosetti, the Minister for European Affairs, Sud, Policies of cohesion and Pnrr, Raffaele Fitto, thus comments on the hypothesis of the transfer of part of the resources of the Recovery plan on the flood emergency in Emilia-Romagna. “The Pnrr has a different path – specifies Fitto – inside there are resources for the instability, but they are for specific projects. The Government will meet on Tuesday, trying to give answers to that territory, because we are all strongly affected by this tragedy, then there will be the need to give organic solutions”.

“The work with the European Commission is proceeding positively, we await this evaluation calmly and confidently. I am convinced that solutions are always found in a collaborative spirit”, says Fitto. With regard to the third installment of the Pnrr, Fitto assures that “a positive work has been carried out with the European Commission”. “We are awaiting an evaluation – he continues – contacts are constant and daily. I believe it is desirable to continue on this terrain”. As regards the fourth installment, “both for this and for the others, the Government has a time horizon that goes beyond June 2026, and together with the remodulation of the interventions, we will meet with the European Commission to make the remodulation of the objectives concrete, because some will deserve a re-evaluation, which we will do in agreement with the Commission”.

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