Home » Formez PA protagonist at ForumPA 2023 with events, awards, talks and interviews

Formez PA protagonist at ForumPA 2023 with events, awards, talks and interviews

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The three-day event ended on May 18 at the Palazzo dei Congressi in Rome Forum PA, with over 900 speakers and 25,000 registered for events, all in attendance this year.

Our institute took part in this 34th edition, of which it is also an institutional partner, with a stand shared with the Department of Public Administration, for the promotion of ongoing activities and projects. There are several initiatives by Formez PA, all very popular.

Final satisfaction, in closing, for the assignment of the “2023 Sustainable PA Award”. Two initiatives for open government, protagonists of the final in the section Participation and active citizenship:

These are two actions carried out by the “Opengov: methods and tools for open administration” project, promoted by the Department of Public Administration (DFP), with the collaboration of Formez PA, in the context of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). (Go to the ForumPA article)


To open the Forum 2023, on the first day of May 16, the Minister for Public Administration, Paolo Zangrillowhich introduced the scenario event Training and empowerment in the PA, between national strategies and the European year of skills, moderate dal Head of the Public Function Department, Marcello Fiori.

“Let’s restart from people”, the title of this three-day event, is very apt because the Public Administration is made up of 3.2 million people and I have learned that the success of organizations depends on the care of people, on the care of capital human – said Minister Zangrillo during his speech – you have to start with them. We are carrying out a series of initiatives in line with the commitments undertaken with the Pnrr, which refer not only to the modernization of our organization from within but also towards the outside and, therefore, with all the administrative simplification projects which are the ones they must allow us to have a more effective and direct dialogue with citizens and businesses. (Watch the video service)

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Also during the first day, the General Manager of Formez PA, Patrizia Ravaioliwas interviewed in the Forum PA studies on the new role and new mission of Formez PA, on the numerous projects carried out by the institute in support and assistance to the PAs. Training, recruitment and PNRR are the three pillars of Formez PA’s new mission, redesigned by art. 24 of the decree law n. 44 of 22 April 2023 – said DG Ravaioli – as part of the measures to strengthen and reorganize the associations and publicly owned companies for the new season marked by the Recovery and Resilience Plan. (Go to the article).

L’Access to the PA: from the reform of competitions to the enabling levers for an effective recruitment policyfinally, was the focus of the panel organized by ForumPA in collaboration with Formez PA. In his speech, Cecilia Maceli, Director of the Competitions and Recruitment Office – Department of Public Administrationhe stated that the criterion of merit can be brought forward to the pre-selection phase. The PA must communicate itself better. Since January, the InPA tool has replaced the GU, where job supply and demand meet, even using a georeferenced map. You go looking for professionals by communicating an availability. Therefore I find today’s claim, “let’s start from people” interesting: it also applies to the PA, we are not looking for numbers, but real professionalism.

Video pill of the first day


The day of May 17 opened with the panel organized by Formez PA, entitled Small Municipalities, paths of changemoderated by Maurizio De Castri, of the University of Tor Vergata, in which the project managers of the institute participated as speakers, Elvira Rocca e Clelia Fusco. At the heart of the conference were the ways in which to determine the need for specific professional skills for the implementation of the projects envisaged by the PNRR and with which to support the skills necessary for its implementation. (Go to the article)

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At 12.00 it was the turn of Sergio Talamo, Director of Institutional Communication and Relations with the Public Administrations of Formez PAwho spoke at the talk Communicating the PA in the digital age: towards the reform of Law 150moderated by Michela Stentella, Journalist, editor in chief of the magazine www.forumpa.it FPA extension. Among the speakers also Serenella Ravioli, central director of communication, information and services to citizens and users of ISTAT, Francesco Di Costanzo, president of PA social and digital Italy foundation, Roberta Mochi, head of the press office of ASL Roma 1, and Alessandra Migliozzi, manager of the institutional communication office of the Ministry of Education and Merit. During his speech, Talamo emphasized the importance of the attractiveness of the Public Administration, a theme already underlined by the Minister on the opening day, highlighting how communication plays a decisive role in this field as well. Thalamus said confident that in the short term, the famous glass roof can be broken and that politics can enter as a conscious protagonist in the debate on the reform of the law 150. (Go to the article)

Video pill of the second day


Formez PA was also the protagonist on the final day of Forum PA 2023.

At 12.00, Francesco Rana, Director of Technical Assistanceparticipated in the panel organized by Formez PA in collaboration with Forum PA on Skills, organizational models and technological platforms for the future of work in the PAmoderated by Laura Lapenna, learning manager training – FPA.

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Alessandra Cornero, Head of the Document Management Officehowever, was a speaker at the talk organized by the Italian National Archives Association – ANAI, entitled A network of skills: the Document Management Manager between technical profile and organizational capacitymoderated by Mariella Guercio, professor at the School of Specialization in Archival Assets – Sapienza University of Rome.

In his speech, Francesco Rana underlined the importance of digitization in the PA, noting how the development of digital skills of civil servants represents, together with the introduction of digital competitions and the “inPA” Recruitment Portal, one of the main guidelines of the reform system in recent years. Something important has recently been achieved on this issue, also taking into account the initiatives envisaged by the PNRR. The example given by the Director of Technical Assistance Formez PA was that of Syllabus platform, of the Department of Civil Service, thanks to which personalized training plans, continuously updated courses, opportunities for evaluating and measuring their training path and the progress achieved are made available to all civil servants.

In his speech, Alessandra Cornero he remembered that the knowledge that a document management manager must have and keep updated is multidisciplinary and involves numerous areas: archiving, juridical, IT and organizational. These are necessary knowledge and skills that depend on a very dynamic, constantly evolving context, such as that of digital transformation. Cornero then added that the creation of a community of practice, made up of a network of PA document management managers, could be a useful tool for responding to the needs of managers for continuous updating, for disseminating and capitalizing on good practices, for exchanging information and creating an asset shared and public knowledge on the subject.

Video pill of the final day

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