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Architect on the appearance of the future Palas hotel | Info

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Architect on the appearance of the future Palas hotel |  Info

Igor Kuvač, a Banja Luka architect and professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, commented on the future appearance of the Palas Hotel for Mondo.

Source: City of Banjaluka

After the project for the future appearance of the “Palas” hotel in the center of Banja Luka caused numerous negative comments from citizens on social networks, stating that the new project spoils the appearance of the old hotel and the city center, we asked architect Igor Kuvač for an expert comment.

He believes that the presented project is in contradiction with the urban identity of the city of Banja Luka, which damages the ambient values ​​of the city center and the cultural heritage from all periods of development.

The question of the current project is the question of the urban identity of Banja Luka. It should be agreed upon by the citizens’ alliance through a common vision of development and strategic documents. This process can include different ways to reach a consensus on the desired direction of development, change the image of the city and upgrade the urban identity (the so-called new postcards).”said the Cook.

He states that any change in the central city area has consequences for the functioning of the entire city, and that the architecture of the presented object goes beyond the sense of context.

The architecture of the presented project truly transcends the sense of context, scale, border, time, and even ego. Finally, the building problems the functioning of the entire ecosystem of the central area of ​​Banja Luka, because its height, dimensions and materialization have an impact on sunlight, ventilation and the functioning of the space. The issue of sunning the city’s main street, Krajina Square and Petar Kočić Park, and other parts of public areas is raised. says Kuvac.

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He points out that it is necessary to establish a dialogue with the context in accordance with the contemporary consideration of space and architecture.

Tall buildings from Trg Krajina, through Kastel Fortress, to the Vrbas River, should be reconsidered in accordance with the hundred-year-old idea of ​​a terraced “descending” of the city to the river and the formation of a unique spatial complex according to the “city-fortress-river” concept“. It is necessary to establish a constructive dialogue with the context in accordance with the contemporary consideration of space and architecture and to enrich the urban palimsest, instead of degrading it”said our interlocutor.

In an interview with Mondo, the chef referred to the process of adopting the conceptual solution presented for this hotel adopted on the basis of the Amendment of the part of the regulatory plan of the central area of ​​Banja Luka.

The project was adopted against the opinion of experts and the general public, in an incredibly fast procedure, where the legal obligations to involve the general and expert public were respected only formally. Also, changing the plan for only one part of the area means that the area of ​​the center, and then its impact on the entire city, is not viewed as a whole.”says Kuvac.

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He claims that due to the stagnation in the development of the Urban Plan “Banja Luka 2040”, as an umbrella document for activities in the urban area, after 48 years since the adoption of the previous one, no new planning solution has a basic foothold in the planning documentation of a higher order.

“The last urban plan was adopted in 1975. Everything after 1995 represents a gray zone of action. In this situation, the space is not viewed integrally, as defined by the modern theory of urban planning and good planning practice. A condition for the proposal and (eventual) realization of such and similar urban and architectural solutions is the realization of a number of other systemic projects that must be developed in parallel, because every smallest change in the central city area has consequences for the functioning of the entire city.”concluded Kuvač.

Just a few hours after the presentation on social networks a petition was launched to change the presented appearance of the future hotel in the center of Banja Luka.

The initiator of the petition believes that great attention should have been invested in this project, considering that it has been waiting for 43 years.

“In developed countries such as Germany, Austria, Sweden, etc., great efforts are made to preserve heritage. At first glance, one would think that we really enjoy destroying our heritage and what we already have. Hotel Palas loses its luster with a project like this and becomes a monstrous and above all ugly building that has no place in the center”, it is stated in the petition, which, if you wish, you can sign HERE!

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We remind you that there has been a controversy surrounding this building for years, and yesterday the demolition of the unfinished part of this hotel began.

Hotel “Palas” was built in 1933, during the mandate of the first ban of Vrba banovina Svetislav Tisa Milosavljević and is one of the buildings for which Banjaluka is still recognizable today. The existing building is a national monument and as such should enjoy the highest level of protection.


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