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sex or relationship? How do you know what the other person wants?

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sex or relationship?  How do you know what the other person wants?

AWhen Paul saw Ella for the first time, it was all over him. He had joined a meeting of friends, the last one. Not to be cool, says the 21-year-old, but because he used to do sports. They had all been sitting there in his buddy’s apartment, Ella was there for the first time as a colleague she had brought with her. Blonde, great figure, beautiful face. “But I also had to leave quickly because I wanted to go to another party, so I must have seemed very cool to them,” he says. He then added her on the social media platform Snapchat, which means he became friends with her online. A week later they had their first date, and two more weeks later they ended up in bed. After four months, Ella told Paul she had feelings for him. But she didn’t want to make it public.

Catherine Hummel

Editor in the “Life” department of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

Lara, 23, met Jonas at a student party, after which they met every day to study, have coffee or go for a walk. They held hands, kissed in public, had sex. They went on trips, went to parties together, he left a toothbrush with her. For Christmas he crocheted her a bag. Nevertheless, Lara, who, like all young people in this text, has a different name, had the feeling right from the start that Jonas wasn’t serious.

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