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He proposes that Biess become a first-tier bank – breaking latest news

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He proposes that Biess become a first-tier bank – breaking latest news
Several changes to the Social Security Law are proposed.

The Popular Regulatory Initiative proposal promotes changes to the Social Security Law, the objective of achieving greater representation of affiliates and retirees in the IESS Board of Directors, in addition, expansion of services provided by Biess.

Henry Llanes Suárez, president of the National Front for a New IESS, in dialogue with Diario Crónica, explained that the “Project Law to Reform the Social Security Law and the Law on the Bank of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute (Biess)” has as its Fundamental purpose of modifying the composition of the Board of Directors of the IESS.

The objective is that affiliates and retirees of compulsory social security are in charge of managing this institution under principles of participation, transparency, efficiency and accountability.


In order for the reform project to reach the National Assembly, explained Llanes Suárez, it was through the Popular Regulatory Initiative, following the steps that the process entails.

Even the reform proposal presented had 54,557 qualified signatures, that is, it exceeded the established number of 32,748 valid signatures, the leader pointed out.


Among the proposed reforms there are five main axes, including modifying the composition of the IESS Board of Directors, so that affiliates and retirees of compulsory social security have a greater representation in the IESS Board of Directors.

Additionally, they propose changes to the process of representation and selection of the members of the Biess board of directors, and that it become a first-tier bank, open to the public, where affiliates can carry out different procedures.

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The reform project, which entered the extinct National Assembly for processing, must wait for the consolidation of the new legislative body for its analysis, emphasized the president of the National Front for a New IESS.


Llanes Suárez, who was an alternate assembly member for a period of one year (2016-2017), specified that at that time, as a legislator, he also presented a proposal for Social Security Reforms, but upon leaving office “the project did not path”.

For this reason, it was given continuity through the Popular Regulatory Initiative, he concluded. (YO)


The Popular Regulatory Initiative is a legal tool that allows citizens to present bills to the National Assembly.

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