Home Ā» You can’t eat all the fruit you want (especially if you’re on a diet): you should avoid this one

You can’t eat all the fruit you want (especially if you’re on a diet): you should avoid this one

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You can’t eat all the fruit you want (especially if you’re on a diet): you should avoid this one

Fruit is an essential food in everyone’s diet, but in some cases it is not always recommended. Let’s find out together which fruits to avoid.

The fruit it is a very beneficial food for health that is able to provide the right amount of nutrients to the body. However, it is important to note that it is not recommended in all cases. In fact, those who are on a diet should limit its consumption since it is rich in sugars.

The consumption of fruit is contraindicated in some cases ā€“ IlGranata.it

That said, below we reveal everything you need to know about the subject, focusing on what are the fruits that you should avoid when you intend to lose weight.

Fruit, here’s which one to eat to avoid risks

As already mentioned above, the fruit it is distinguished by the high intake of beneficial substances for the body. In particular, it is possible to find a rich source of mineral salts including potassium, magnesium and zinc. These are essential substances that govern correct muscle development. Also worth mentioning is the supply of vitamins that help strengthen the immune system and make it more effective against possible attacks by pathogens.

What fruit to eat to avoid consequences
Fruit is rich in sugars which in some cases can be dangerous ā€“ IlGranata.it

That said, as many already know, fruit is also known to be high in sugar. These in particular can be contraindicated in some categories of people. In particular, i individuals with type 2 diabetes they must pay close attention and prefer only fruits with a low glycemic impact. This also applies to those who are a diet which in fact must pay attention to the choice of the same. Otherwise, in fact, your efforts to lose weight could prove to be in vain.

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In light of this, among the fruits recommended in the above cases are the citrus fruits in general. In fact, these are characterized by the low sugar content. This applies especially to grapefruit, for example, as well as lemon. In both cases, these are fruits that have a high content of vitamin C which is useful in fighting infections. Contrary to what one might think, thewatermelonthe peaches and the melon they do not have high quantities of sugar.

Despite having a rather sweet taste, in fact, these fruits are ideal to consume when you are on a diet or even in the presence of pathologies such as diabetes. In particular, watermelon and peaches are distinguished by their high iron content while melon is rich in vitamin A. This is characterized by being essential in the correct development of bones and teeth as well as being able to perform a powerful anticancer action. Finally there are the berries not strawberries which feature about seven grams of sugar in a cup.

Also in this case these are extremely beneficial fruits for health since they are rich in antioxidants and fibers which, in particular, help to increase the sense of satiety.

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